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This is a reminder that I'm yet to edit and I won't edit until the end of the story..please read my blunders with love...
Thanks all ❤😘

I was beyond sad, I was broken, jaded, hurt it felt like a dream, a terrible dream
So now he thinks my principles and values can't work for us anymore? Why now? What's so hard in being celibate? What's the big deal with sex?
"Why? Why Jimi?
He didn't reply,
It's sad when people become what they promise they never will. I felt hot, could it be the room? Or perhaps the conversation? I needed to go home. I stood up
I was at the door about to open the door, I turned only to find him so close
His eyes was filled with pain, why was he in pain? Why choose pain? He's choosing to break us apart, so, why is he actually ring as if hurt? Yes will never understand men, even if I tried.
He cupped my face in his hands,
"I know you may not believe what ever I say now, but I want you to know that what we had was never a joke, I'll miss your love, your smile, everything bisi, I'll miss everything we shared" I couldn't keep the tears at bay, he wiped it with his thumb
"I'll never forget what we shared.. Please be fine"
I shook my head and slowly removed his hand from my face" did you just say be fine? How can I be fine? Two years Jimi, two years, and this? It may be easy for you Jimi, but it's not same for me, I can't even comprehend this, I do not understand, you're breaking up because you've  been transferred? And you're saying you love me? I can't do this"
I opened the door and left
Outside, I bent down slowly, crying. I held my heart, I could feel it breaking into a million pieces, why, how do people say I love you and I don't want you in the same sentence, that's a cruelty that should be mastered.
I cried like a baby, It was dark, people wouldn't see my messy face. I flagged down a cab and sadly went home

Thankfully for me, Nike was not home, I needed the quiet, I wondered where she was at this time
I felt weak and miserable, I fell on the bed
The relationship had been important to me, the loss left me empty and hurt. What hurt most was the waste. How could Jimi do this to me? He was my only friend and lover. He's always been there, I'd grown so fond of him that it's so hard to accept that he won't be a part of me Anymore
I couldn't stay another second alone
I texted Nike

Sis,where are you? I am lonely and hurting

I waited for her reply

I'm on my way sis, what happened?

He has abandoned me

Who? Jimi? How?

He said he doesn't want me anymore

Oh sis I'm coming

*teary eye*
Short chapter? Yeah!! I'm sorry it's short.. Just had to update.. The next chapter will be super long.. *crossing my heart 💜❤*
Who else felt Bisi's hurt? 😵🤕😢

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