This story continues the Blood line of Ayanos family.This story is 15 years after Ayano and Taro got married. Updated every Tuesday, Thursday,and Saturday
I left the house this morning like always I met up with my friend Ryu while on are way to school. We walked on the on the side walk silently but I could see he was constantly yawning.
"I told you not to stay up last night we have a History test this morning" I whined at him feeling aggravated but this is how Ryu always was he didn't take anything seriously he looked and I could tell his face was slowly turning red.
He stuttered looking up at the sky"I-I uh I-I was studying don't think I'm so L-Laid back as you!"Ryu was my childhood friend I couldn't help but just giggle at his reaction. I had made him defend his position and he had no real awnser I could tell.
We had finally made it to the front gate of the school since the dorms weren't right on campus we had a bit of a walk. I looked at my phone and noticed I had received a text from my father. I of course opened up my texts and looked at it.
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I smiled Father always greeted me in the morning Mother had work so I didn't hear from her till later in the day of course I replied back to him.
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I felt Ryu leaning over to me to look at my phone I just flicked him in the nose it crinkled ever so slightly.
"Mind your own business you goof"I heard him sigh it seemed like he was nervous about something he wasn't usually this quiet it puzzled me.
"Is everything alright Ryu"He avoided my eye contact which meant something was up. Without saying a word he gripped his hand in mine and pulled me over to a tree on the school campus. I heard a slight movement in the bushes near us I was about to go and check when I realized Ryu seemed uneasy.
"What's the matter with you today huh come on you can tell me can't you?"As I said that he pulled a book out from his bag and shoved it into my hands. I slowly looked down at the book it was the cooking book I had gave him. I could feel a smile growing on my lips.
"Your finally accepting my offer to cook something for you"his face suddenly turned red
"I-Its not like I want to taste your c-cooking! I would just like something different then my regular bento lunch o-okay that's it don't think of anything of it!"he bite his lip looking away from me
"Of course what is you want me to cook up for you"he turned his attention back to me when he heard my words
"The spicy Curry and it better be edible"those words meant he was teasing and it was working too
"It will be the best Curry you've ever tasted!"he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back I was being silly and I laugh at my childness and what we were doing we were gonna be late for class I heard the bushes rustle again and looked but saw nothing there I started to go over to the bushes to check it out when the school bell rang.
"Late again! Mother and Father will have my head if I get an detention"Ryu and me rushed to are first class we had are first hour together but we always got carried away chit chatting.I sat down at my seat near a boy with white-ish blond hair.
"Psssst"I heard someone next to me so I slowly looked over the it was the same boy next to me making those sounds.
"Yes?"I replied trying not to be mean since there was going to be a test soon.
"D-Do you like karokee?"His green eyes stared at me I felt like they we're starring into my soul it made me nervous.
"What are you implying?"I wanted to run but I couldn't be mean so I dealt with it.
"Some friends of mine are going to do karokee tonight we wondered if you would like to come with"he rubbed the back of his neck I didn't have a clue who he was.
"I don't go places with strangers"I was looking him right in the eye.
"M-My name is Haru I know yours its Yuki"He said as blushed slightly from embarrassment
"I guess it wouldn't hurt"I look towards the door and saw something move it was probably just the janitor. Are teacher handed out the tests and I began awnsering the questions I took my time to make sure I awnsered them all and did my best.
~Lunch Time~
Ryu always made me giggle he would complain about the most sillyiest of things during lunch. I smiled happily I still wasn't ready for karokee later tonight but I didn't mind I did get out of the house so it's not so bad. I looked at Ryus bento it was mostly meat. I picked up some seaweed from my bento and placed it in his. He looked at me with disgust.
"It's good for you if you don't eat it I'll just have to shove it into your mouth then"I grinned the look on his face was priceless.
"Your always worrying about me I can take care of myself I'm not eating it"he turned away I could feel the anger boil up inside me but then a idea hit me in the head.
"What if I fed it to you would you eat it then"i smiled widely He looked at me his face turning red
"Don't be ridcoulous"he looked away from me avoiding eye contact I bite my lip I picked up the seaweed with my chopsticks and put it up to his lips."come on please"he parted his lips quickly put the seaweed into his mouth.He ate it rather quickly I felt proud of myself and couldn't hold back my laugh. Ryu chuckled under his breath then took a chug out of his tea.we sat there in silence for the rest of the time eating are lunch.I got up and retreated to ladies room I washed my face and slapped my cheeks I giggled looking at myself the bell rang for lunch to be over and I walked out of the bathroom. I don't know if he had just gotten there or if he had been there for awhile but I bumped into a boy I fell on my butt.
"Owww"I sighed and looked up I'd never seen before not even once. His hair was as black as midnight and his blue eyes seemed to lure me in he was so handsome I hadn't noticed I was starring.I had been spacing out and didn't realize someone had picked me up and placed me on my feet the handsome boy was gone.
~Later that night~
Karokee wasn't as good as I thought it would be that Haru boy was a decent singer I suppose. Sadly none of my friends were there it would have been more fun. I was walking back to my dorm when I noticed a shadowy figure standing in front of the boy's dorm as I got closer I could tell there two people. I knew Haru had left early but what was he doing and with a masked person they we're talking I couldn't hear what they we're saying but I could tell it wasn't a friendly conversation.
Harus body seemed to go limp I could see something long had peirced through his chest but couldn't tell then the masked person ran away rather fast I didn't go after the person as I could feel my own body trembling with fear. I slowly went towards Haru I turned my flashlight on and quickly dropped. Screams filled the air I couldn't tell wether the scream was mine or someone elses there was so much blood. Haru layed there lifeless my head i wasn't processing things quick enough I could feel my breath against my chest as I kneeled down.
"So much blood blood everywhere blood....."I had trouble keeping my breathing calm things went black after that.