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     Today was the day. Today, Illiana was going to become the youngest hunter chief in the Merlornar clan history. She had worked hard for this role, focusing solely on her work so she could rise up the ranks in her father's honour. Her occupation within the clan meant everything to her, she'd wanted to be a hunter since she was a child. She would spend her time watching them with admiration as they came back from the hunt with their game in hand. During the choosing ceremony she had tried incredibly hard at the hunter tasks, to prove to the elders that she was good enough for the job.

   Both of her parents were low rank tailors, prohibited from rising in rank due to Destin's (her father) ill health. While both of them could still work, most of Kali's (her mother) time was taken up with caring for him. They were respected members of the clan but could never quite reach the high ranks. While Illiana was in training, her father's health took a turn for the worst. He died not too long after and the family was distraught; they postponed training and Kali stopped working, as is rogue clan custom when a loved one passes, so they could prepare a proper burial. After the funeral, Illiana vowed to work as hard as possible to rise in the ranks in Destin's honour. 

"It is time my dear." Kali said softly, approaching her daughter who was sat on a rock outside of the main hall, her auburn hair unusually pinned back into a loose bun. "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am, I've been working for this role my entire life." 

"If only your father could see you now. He'd be so proud." Illiana looked up at her mother to see that she had started to tear up. Quickly wiping the tear away, she smiled. They shared a brief embrace before entering the hall where the clan was patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

   While walking over to the Elders, she scanned the room to find her clanmate Tomar. As children, they had been best friends and were therefore 'promised' to each other after their choosing ceremonies. The first thing she saw was his uniquely blue hair; he liked to use the bright blue flowers he found while out foraging to dye it. He never was one for subtlety. Once he had noticed her, he smiled and gave a quick cheer. Everyone turned to look and Illiana's cheeks started to burn. Her immediate reaction was to give Tomar a disapproving look and carry on walking.

"Let's start shall we?" inquired Elder Minelli, gesturing towards the large oak alter located in the centre of the room. On top of the alter lay a magnificent bow carved from the rare emerald oak. They all walked over to the alter and Illiana knelt down in front of it, head bowed.

"We are gathered here today in this great hall to bestow the title of hunter chief onto Illiana, daughter of Destin and Kali. We give this title to her because she has proved herself worthy of the respect and the responsibility that comes with being a clan chief." he declared. "We must also make note of the history being made here today. Illiana is the youngest elf to become hunter chief in all of Merlornar history, maybe even rogue clan history." 

   Elder Kyra walked forward and gestured for her to stand. "If anyone would object to this title being given, speak up now and put forward another candidate." The room stayed silent, adults watching with pride, children watching with admiration and wonder. Kyra picked up the bow. "I therefore bestow upon you, Illiana daughter of Destin and Kali, this gift of a bow carved from emerald oak and with it, the title and responsibility of a chief." 

"Thank you Elders." she replied, taking the emerald bow. "As chief I promise to always make the right decision and do what is best for the clan. I will continue to work hard and hunt well." 

   With the ceremony over, it was time for the great feast; the highest quality food is chosen to be prepared by the high rank cooks and the elves may eat as much as they want while drinking and dancing the night away. Illiana joined up with Tomar and Kali to celebrate her new role and have fun before the hard work begins again tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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