Chapter 1

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Sible, the ranger god, has awoken, meaning the nighlok have risen once again. It is time for a new team of rangers to stop them once again. Energetic teens, the Zedda Charge rangers.

It was an ordinary day at Riverton high, students talking with their friends catching up on what each of them did over the summer.

Homeroom has just started and the teacher was already asking brain teasers. "What is the most powerful species in the world?" Mr. Sean had asked.

Alden had immediately raised his hand, "robots, they will survive the next war, when humans will die out"

"Interesting" Mr. Sean said. Ezra scoffed, and looked back down at her phone. "Perhaps you have a different answer Ezra?"

Ezra glared at the wacky headed teacher, and then rolled her eyes at Alden, who was watching her intently. "The humans will outlast all other species, because robots are made of metal and aren't actually alive. Humans will continue to repopulate in immense numbers, and will eventually figure out how to live in other planets for space for more humans"

The door opened and two boys walked in. "Ahhh, you must be Dylan and Jordan, maybe you can tell us which species is the most powerful" Mr. Sean said.

"Humans" the boys said simply, the sat down in the open desks near the front. It was Alden's turn to scoff.

"Dude, chill" Alden's best friend Will told him while hitting him on the shoulder. The bell rang and everybody went off to class, leaving Mr. Sean alone.

The day was over and Ezra was at the local smoothie place, scooters, doing her homework. Alden and Will walked in and went straight to the counter, ordering their smoothies, and an extra for Ezra, but when they turned around, Ezra was disappearing into thin air. Her pencil dropped and rolled onto the floor.

They boys looked at each other before they disappeared as well.

When they reappeared they were thrown onto the floor of a cave like thing.

The boys landed first, but Dylan and Jordan where there. The lights in the cave turned on to reveal a robot standing before them. The boys all turned to face they robot who was in front of them.

There was a thud and all of the boys turned around to see Ezra on the ground holding her head. Jordan and Dylan rushed to help her up, while Alden and Will sat there confused.

"Welcome, humans, I am Sible, protecter of the earth. You are here today because the nighlok have risen once again, and you are to be the next generation of power rangers" the robot said.

"You've got to be kidding me" Ezra said

"I am not, if you watch the screen you will be told what color, and why you were chosen to be a power ranger" a video of one of the newbies played, "Jordan, since you are strong witted and a quick thinker, you will be the red ranger. Dylan, since you are compassionate and athletic, you will be the green ranger. Alden, since you are smart and kind, you will be the yellow ranger. Will, since you are extremely athletic and compassionate, you will be the black ranger. And Ezra, since you are very brave and compassionate, you will be the blue ranger" Sible said.

Everyone looked at each other confused, then Sible started talking again. "In front of you are your morphers. say 'Zedda Charge' then your color 'power up' and push the button on the morpher, and you will morph"

An alarm started going off, causing Sible to start to freak out. "They're here! Hurry! Morph! Then go to the site of the attack, I will talk you through it!"

Ezra nodded and took her morpher. "Zedda Charge Blue Power Up!" She yelled and her clothes were replaced with a blue ranger suit.

The boys followed her lead and suited up, then they ran to the location of the attack.

When they got to the attack there was a bunch of things in pink suits with spiky orange hair. "What are you!" Jordan called out

"They are the scivvers, they will keep you busy while I torture the world" a monster said.

"Who are you!" Alden called out

"I am Zectar, king of fire!" He called out.

"Not for long! Let's burn him!" Will called out.

The scivvers charged at them, but the rangers were quick to fight them. Jordan and Dylan went to the left, Alden and Will went to the right, leaving Ezra to go in the middle.

Ezra finished the scivvers by her so she went on to Zectar.

Zectar was shooting fire at Ezra, but she was dodging them. She got close to him and started striking him with her sword.

Zectar grabbed her sword and flung it across the ground, then grabbed her waist and flung her on the ground. Ezra cried out but got up right away.

They continued fighting each other until Zectar hit her with his fire, sending her flying back near the boys. When she hit the ground she demorphed immediately.

The scivvers that were left crowded around her and picked her up to bring her back to their leader. The boys weren't having it though, and they charged at the scivvers.

They freed Ezra and Alden brought her away from the battle and stayed with her. The rest of the boys finished off the scivvers and Alden went to go help them with Zectar.

They were going strong but they all ended up getting hit by the fire. Ezra remorphed and went after Zectar, striking him in the spot he had been striked the most, the chest.

Zectar hit her with fire again, but she kept attacking until he blew up, sending her flying again. She demorphed again, and passed out.

The boys got up with some difficulty and made their way over to Ezra, who was moaning in pain. Will picked her up and they went back to the cave.

Authors note
How was the first chapter?? Entertaining?? I hope so. Anyway. Hope you liked it. Stay tuned for the next chapter

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