Yuggie = Yugyeom
Jinyoungie = Jinyoung
Markiepoo = Mark
Jaebummie = Jaebum
Jackieboy = Jackson
Bammie = Bambam
Jaejae = Youngjae
*Bammie has renamed the group chat to fuck7*
Bammie: Ok so
Yuggie: Were bored
Jinyoungie: We're*
Yuggie: .....
Jinyoungie: Use your education dumbass
Bammie: Oi so rude
Jinyoung: Hey* so rude
Jaejae: Ooooof
Yuggie: Fine, we're still bored
Jaebummie: Go back to school and learn grammar
Jinyoungie: It'll fix your boredom
Jackieboy: When JJP teams up
Bammie: We just want to spend time with our lovely hyungs
Jaebummie: Bullshit
Jaejae: I wanna spend time with my bummie hyung
Jackieboy: Y'all can fuck somewhere else pls
Jinyoungie: It's disturbing
Bammie: Like you and Mark hyung don't fuck loudly
Markiepoo: Excuse me
Jaejae: You're done for
Bammie: Gotta dab! *Runs away*
Jackieboy: Don't hurt my bambam >:(
Jaebummie: And Youngjae and I are bad??
Jinyoungie: because you are fuckhead
Yuggie: Hyung is it possible for you to not be mean for one second?
Jinyoungie: Yugyeom you're really handsome
Jaejae: Wut
Yuggie: ..........
Jinyoungie: There, one second too long. I hate you
Jaejae: ahah i'm the favourite child
Jackieboy: Ur everyone's favourite
Yuggie: Sunshine hyung~~~
Jinyoungie: correct
Bammie: It should be a capital C hyung
Jinyoungie: I have a word that starts with C for you
Markiepoo: Baby calm
Jaebummie: uGH mARKjin
Jackieboy: ^ k same
Bammie: Okay*
Jaejae: Shut up Bambam
Yuggie: Hey
Jinyoungie: Hay is for horses
Jackieboy: when ur a mom
Bammie: You're**
Jaebummie: Kid
Bammie: Yes chin hyung?
Yuggie: ...........
Jackieboy: bAmBaM
Jaejae: Lolololol
Markiepoo: Jaebum
Jaebummie: I'll only hurt him a little
Jinyoungie: A lot***
Bammie: No mom i was trying to make you proud
Jinyoungie: I* try harder
Yuggie: Youngjae hyung control ur mans I can hear him making really angry sounds in Bams room
Bammie: Hyung isn't in my room though
Yuggie: Huh?
Markiepoo: he's not here
Jinyoungie: Omg kids
Jackieboy: Bambam imma come cover your eyes and ears
Bammie: Hyung wha
oH nOYuggie: What??????????
Yuggie doesn't understand :(
Where's Youngjae hyung?Bambam: Go to sleep
Yuggie: Whaa????
Jinyoungie: Go to sleep
Yuggie: But
Jackieboy: Go to sleep
Yuggie: Plsssssssssssssssssssss
Markiepoo: Go to sleep
Yuggie: .____________. fien
- Bonus -
[Yuggieome has just posted a picture]
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Yuggieome im bored smone help
View all 82 comments
Prkjinyng I said go to sleep
Bammm ^ same
Jacksongang play some loud music
Jeonkookie come see me?
MarkTuANN get some help
A/N: This was small and short and probs bad but you know, it's okay
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