At the beginning of life

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So I was brought into this crazy and interesting world in 1/16/2005 by my mother Francisca Sanjurjo I was given the name after my aunt who has Alzheimer's (still sad about that😢) and my nickname is Maria after my grandma I was born in riverhead and lived in Brentwood for a while before moving to new location I use to go to head start at age 3 I didn't get much friends there but I was glad my mom worked there so I could crawl or run out of the classroom to get to her but I failed like every other toddler I got picked up before I could get there I would start to kick and cry trying to get out of their arms but It was no use I got carried back to the class which I hated and put back on my bed which would make me feel sleepy and fall asleep.
Sorry this chapter was short but that's all I could remember
Bye see you in the next chapter

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