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Eunha POV:

I was 6 years old when it happened. When I got separated from my parents. I remember that day so clearly as if it was an hour ago.

My parents and I had gone to a new years festival. We got on different rides, ate sweets, dressed up, and laughed together like there was no tomorrow.

My parents were the best, they meant everything to me, and i meant everything to them. My dad had such a positive attitude and would always make me smile; he would always help people out. He had eyes like honey and a mindset of pure gold. My mother was the kindest person you could meet, she had the purest heart and sweetest smile ever, she was an angel sent from the heavens in my eyes.

They were a lovely couple. We were a lovely family. But it didn't last long.

During the festival, a group of tall and skinny men with black uniform and deadly weapons attacked the park and set almost everything on fire.
They didn't exactly look human. They had sharp teeth and their eyes were fully black, no white. They were bald and their fingers were long and extremely boney. Their nails were as sharp a razor and their skin was the color of white chalk.

The men were ruthless and would kill anyone in their way with no hesitation. Everyone was screaming and running away. Many managed to either hide or escape. Everyone except us.

I had tripped when we were running away, so that caused us to slow down. By the time my dad picked me up and & started to run again, it had became too late. 6 of the men in uniform had found us and surrounded us.

My parents put me down and stepped forward trying to protect me. I don't exactly remember what the men were saying, but their voices were deep and raspy.

After a while my parents turned around towards me and held my hands. My mother looked pale and her eyes had became glossy full with tears that were threatening to fall.

"Eunha, we love you so much. Please take care of yourself and– " she said with a barely audible voice unable to continue her words. Instead she kissed me on my forehead and cheeks.

"We are so sorry sweetie, we must go, to protect you. When they take us away, run. Don't look behind; just run as far away as you can. We will try to come back one day." My father said while staring into my teary eyes.

"Promise?" I quietly asked taking out my pinky finger, not fully understanding what was going on.

"Yes, promise" he replied and sealed the promise by wrapping his pinky around mine.

They both tightly hugged my small trembling body and seemed to never let go.
My 6-year-old mind was confused and terrified unable to process anything.

All of a sudden my parents walked over to the men. With slow and cautious steps. They were cuffed with big chunky rusty chains and were forcefully dragged away with the men guarding them. Thats when realization hit me about what was happening.

I screamed with all my might while running towards them trying to catch up with my tiny feet.

"NO! DON'T GO! MOM! DAD! YOU CANT LEAVE ME! PLEASE! IM SCARED!" Before I could even reach them, I was slapped away by the men.

The last thing I heard before sprinting off was "RUN EUNHA! RUN!" and just like that, my feet obeyed and took me far away.

After about running non stop for an hour, I had gotten to a park in an unknown neighborhood. I was exhausted from running and was struggling to catch my breath.

I had bruises and cuts all over my body & my clothes were half burnt. My black hair was in a huge mess and my clothes were ripped.

My mind was blank. My mind wasn't processing.

And just like that, my body collapsed and I fell asleep right there. In the middle of the park. Under the midnight sky, with dried tears on my cheeks.

It's been 12 years since that day, and my parents still haven't come back.

So this is my first story on wattpad so im like rlly scared for how it will go. I hope u enjoy the book! Plz be sure to vote if u liked it. Fyi i have horrible grammar and spelling so srry. Oh and im a slow updater so ye, heads up :/   Cya next update!

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