prompt 1 : glass assistants

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* please excuse any mistakes and all of my shîtty writing skills have a good day*

Prompt-"you find a box full of small glass balls with names on them, when you dropped one it shattered and a person appears."

"But mooommmm..." I whined.

"No buts Gracey"


" Gracey Lane if you don't get your butt up there you are gonna be in a lot of trouble!"

I roll my eyes and wonder off . Well folks It's that time of the year again...spring cleaning...and I of course got the attic...again. I go to he kitchen and grab the supplies from under the sink then go on my way.I get to the attic door and pull the sting to release the stairs from above,it doesn't budge. i pull harder and down came the stairs. Instead of being greeted with an angelic glow like the stairway to heaven I was greeted with loads of dust and darkness. i curse and use my hand to waft the dust away.

"It's only been 2 years and this much dust already... Damn I seriously need to get my shit together and clean this better. My allergies are not going to like this."

And on that note I go up the stairs into the attic with caution. I stumble around trying to locate the light switch. Eventually after tripping over everything that could possibly exist I find it and flick it up; only for it to not work.

"Are you effing serious..." I mumbled. I go to my room to find a flashlight I take my phone while I'm there and put on some early 2000's Rock music. I stare at my home screen and sigh,"oh how the times have changed." Its a picture of my friends and I hanging out at the neighborhood park. I turn off my phone and sit it aside.

Looking around the place is scattered with dust and boxes varying in shape from as big as me to something I could hold in my palms.starting with the ones closest to me I start organizing according to its label. Around an hour later,a tad more than half way into the attic I find a box with no label.


I take a look inside and find small glass balls a tad bigger than the balls you would get from an arcade machine.i take a closer look and see name written on them,none of which I recognize. I stand up with one in hand then start to walk to the stairs to ask my mom about them. Maybe they're just some old family members, who knows? i get close to the stairs then trip,over a small box labeled "family photos" I drop the glass ball with the name Samantha Kim on it and land hard on the wooden floor.the glass ball falls down the stairs and shatters unleashing a blinding light. The light dims and out pops an angelic looking being in place of the glass shards.

" hello my dear frien- who may you be you don't look like miss lane"

I lay there in shock.i manage to stumble out my name.

" Gracey, Gracey Lane."

" are you miss Cathy lanes daughter!?!?"


I'm tempted to scream but I'm scared what my mom would do. I wonder if she'd even be able to see her?"

"Yes" she states.

I look up at her in confusion,"what?"

"I can understand what you asked in your head". I laugh in disbelief." Where is your mother anyway I just say hello it's been dreadfully long."

" you know my mom? Who the hell are you? What are you doing here's? Why are you here? How did you get here? And finally can you just go back I have no clue who you are."

"Dreadful etiquette I apologize. I am Samantha Kim I am a "glass assistant" I never liked the name but we basically help out people and I used to help your mother quite a lot."

I am confused and scared and pretty much every emotion in one. What the fûck is going on?

~618 words not including Intro and outro~

Hello guys I hope you enjoyed and please tell me any and all mistakes or what you think I could do to make it better. Have a lovely day I love all of y'all bye bye! Muah~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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