Chapter 13: Part 1

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"Jazmyn can you tell me what I've been talking about for the last hour" My teacher Ms. Rolder asked

To be honest I haven't been listening to her since the class started. I feel like shit and I keep getting pains in the side of my stomach, Ms. Rolder's lesson plan was far from my mind.

"uh, No I can't." I said shaking my head "I need to go to the Nurse" I mumbled standing up 

"Why?" Ms. Rolder's nosey ass asked

"I don't know if you've noticed but I'm pregnant." I said in a duh tone "I happen to not be feeling so great so I'm going to the nurse with or without a stupid hall pass" I said as I waddled my ass to the door.

I walked down the long hallway to the nurse's office, thankful that the pain had let up while I was walking. 

"Miss. Tolwel, what's going on?"  the school nurse Mrs. Arnez asked as I walked into her office

"I don't know I just keep getting a lot of pain in my stomach and I haven't felt the baby move since last night," I said worriedly

"did you have any bleeding ?" she asked

"Uh, no"

"Alright, how fair are you?" she asked rubbing my belly

"5 months"

"Alright, having pain right now can potentially be a serious problem so just to keep safe I'm going to call the paramedics to take you over to the hospital, I have your OB's information and can give them a call. 

Mrs. Arnez quickly called the doctor's office confirming that my OBGYN was on call at the hospital. Mrs Arnez, sent me to lay down in the back while she got everything arranged to head to the hospital.

As I laid in the small roller bed in the back, I got my phone out taking a deep breath I dialled King's number. He wanted to make things better and the truth was that I needed him here with me.  I wasn't sure if he was even at school today but I figured I would give it a shot, he answered on the first ring.

"What" he barked into the phone

"Really Tyron?"I mummbled

"Oh sorry Jazzy, I didn't check the ID"

"Mm, where are you?" I asked

"I'm outside with JoJo and Kirk"

"I'm going to the hospital," I said as I felt a harder pain hit

It scared me that the pain was coming so hard and fast, he let up when I was walking but for some reason, my son is raising hell inside of me. 

"Where are you now?"

"Nurses office"

"I'm coming," he said before hanging up

I put my phone away and curled into a ball and let tears roll down my face, nervousness started filling me completely, I mean what if I lose this baby..... I and King may not be ready but I can honestly say that I love my son already. The pain was strong but I was so tired that I just let the darkness fill me.






Tyron (King) Pov

Me, Kirk and Jojo just weren't having class today so we decide to duck out at 2nd period for a smoke in the pit out back. Being 19 has its perks around here, the teachers usually ignored us if we skipped out, they knew they wouldn't be failing us this year, and they wanted us gone as much as we wanted out of here. 

Thug Love Fairy Tale  - BOOK 1 (not yet edited)Where stories live. Discover now