The take back

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Then Asby the clown and funny met up with a powerful tree of magic. All she had to do was touch the tree. SHe did and then the legendary milk of honor came down and gave Asby a pear and a scissor. After the milky left, Asby flew off with NaSa to meet the lady in the non-flat-bib-toddy-goth-girl organization and she was good. He unluckily, got hit by a meteor and met up with Bruno mars the Matt Damon on the marz and has a potato before leaving again. SHe went to go see the non-flat-bib-toddy-goth-girl for a few question on life. However, there was another force in her path. **Popcorn the blanket**. Popcorn the blanket was a very fucking soft and cuddley pillow, but with was the tree of magic said, Asby had to avoid her issues of staying ing the straight path, and made a pretty fucking gay turn around him. [Note: Popcorn did not go unloved, he later crashed into earth and fell asleep fro a few hours.]

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