Chapter Thirteen

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WARNING: Abuse in this chapter

Everyone always wants to act like they know what's good so they can say 'I told you so'. People will pretend like they care so they can take credit for something they didn't actually do.

I marched down the hallway on my way to sixth. I made sure to ignore Ethan and Jeremy since third.

In all honesty I don't think I want to talk to Jeremy. He's used me and abused me more times than needed.

"How's your day been?" Grayson asked as he leaned against the door while he waited for me.

"Exhausting, scary, anxiety filled," I answered honestly as I walked in keeping my head down.

"Hey," he said and gently grabbed my arm and stopped me. "You're not sitting next to him."

Grayson's voice was deep and serious. His face held an angry expression as his eyes stared at Jeremy. I could tell he was angry by the scowl that grew on his lips the longer he looked at my ex.

"Hey," I said after he started breathing heavy.

"I just don't want him to hurt you anymore. You're one of my closest friend's sister, which means you're practically mine."

He cares more for me than my own brother does. Jarred never stuck up for me, even when we were younger. He wanted me to toughen up and learn how to handle myself, but now I know he was just to afraid of letting people know he was my big brother.

"Grayson I told you, I'm fine. I'm going to be ok," I sighed out and sat down leaving two desks between Jeremy and me.

"No you're not Dakota, stop giving me that bullshit." 

His words weren't harsh or aggressive, but they were assertive. He knew I was crumbling apart. Almost everyone knew, but no body cared to say it.

"I know there's more to this story than you want to tell me, and that's fine, but don't lie to me."

"Grayson I," but I was cut off by Ethan sitting down on the other side of his brother right next to Jeremy.

Ethan's frown was heavy as he had two girls follow behind him and a couple jocks and they filled up the seats behind us all. My body itched as if something was crawling on me. I could feel their judgmental stares boring into the back of my large body.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asked his brother after he noticed how uncomfortable I was.

"Sitting next to my brother?" Ethan answered back questioning himself.

I couldn't handle this day. Nothing happened, but seeing Ethan and seeing Jeremy was way to much for me. I didn't like seeing Ethan snuggled up with some blonde. I hated seeing the glare Jeremy gave me.

My eyes started to glass over and my lip began to quiver. Why do I deserve all these issues?

Because you're trash nobody even wants you on this planet. You don't even want yourself here

Why is she always right? For once I want to be able to tell my brain to shut up and that she's wrong, but I can't.

I stood from my seat and walked towards the teachers desk. My breathing was uneven and I felt like I was going to break any second.

"Is it possible I can go to the nurse?"

"Of course," she answered and I walked out not even grabbing a pass.

It took me three tries to open my locker. I couldn't think straight.

Why does Jeremy hate me?

Why does Ethan hate me?

Why does my mom hate me?

Why does my brother hate me?

All these questions flooded into my head as I began my long walk home. I refused to wait on Jarred and I wasn't asking Grayson to take me. The walk is roughly thirty five minutes, so I'll be fine.

Half way home my phone buzzed.

Jeremy❤️❤️: where the hell are you

Me: it doesn't matter

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. I know he wants to talk and make up. He wants me to forgive him for everything and act like it never happened, but I don't think I can this time.

When I got home I quickly walked in the door and took off my shoes. The house was quiet, like always, and the air was cold.

This is probably just some deppressive episode and I'll be over it in a couple days, but this is different. There's more players in this little game now. For years it's only been Jarred, Jeremy, and me, but now it's Jarred, Jeremy, Ethan, Grayson, and me.

My phone buzzed again as I stood in the kitchen doing the left over dishes from Grayson, Ethan, and Jarred.

Jeremy❤️❤️: Where are you?

Jeremy❤️❤️: I swear on everything Dakota, where the fuck are you?

Grayson🙃: Where'd you go? Are you okay?

The difference between the two text messages was crazy. One was more compassionate and the other one was just mean. Jeremy didn't care where I was, he just wanted to make sure I wasn't with someone else.

It took me about twenty minutes to do the dishes and right after I finished a harsh knock came from the front door. Quickly I dried my hands and walked towards the door.

"Hello," I said before I opened the door fully.

"When I f*cking text you I expect you to f*cking answer me!" Jeremy shouted in my face and pushed me back into the house and slammed the door closed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as he grabbed my arm harshly.

"You think we're done?"

"You dumped me! Stop!" I cried while his grip grew tighter.

"You don't understand. I can't loose you too, remember my ex? She just left me all alone. Don't leave me!" He shouted in my face.

"Jeremy stop," I said more gently trying to pry his hand off my arm.

"Shut up, you're nothing!"

Tears prickled in my eyes as I faught against his harsh grip trying to escape. Finally I managed to slip away and I ran up the steps to my bed room and shut the door.

Loud booming knocks echoed through my room as Jeremy tried getting inside. He kept screaming insults at me and his fist collided with the door forcefully.

My body shook from fear. What's going to happen when this door gives in? Who am I supposed to call? Grayson, Ethan, and Jarred are all at football practice today.

The door made a cracking sound signaling it can't hold much longer.

"Please stop!" I screamed out as he hit the door harder.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw I had a text from Grayson.

Grayson🙃: Are you good?

Quickly I typed back a reply, but the door gave way.

Me: Help me Jeremy's h

I cried as I backed away from the door and looked up at Jeremy. His chest heaved up and down. His eyes were red where they should have been white. He's on something.

"Please calm down. We can talk about this," I stated trying to remain calm.

"You talking is what got us into this mess in the first place. You couldn't stop talking to those douche twins," he shouted and walked towards me.

Jeremy pushed me against the wall and his hand collided with my cheek. The sting rushed through my face and the hits continued to flood to my body. He didn't stop. Punch after punch. Slap after slap. I could feel the blood dripping from my nose and mouth. The boy standing above my body was not Jeremy. He wasn't the boy I fell madly in love with.

I don't remember much that happened after that, but I do remember someone pulling Jeremy off of me and someone screaming to call 911.

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