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^^My photography

Pairing- none
Date posted- 14.4.2018

The bright sun rose from its slumber, glimmering on the clear pristine river that surrounds sparkling high glass structures.
The sky painted pinks , purples , blues , yellows , oranges and any other colour you could imagine. The parks and street side holding small piles of snow pushed to the sides to walk. The streets slowly starting to get busy and many woke from their slumber.
Jungkook turned , Duna sliding to the floor as his hand reaches to stop the loud blaring of his alarm clock. ( cliche ,I know)

As the blaring came to a stop, he lays down on the mattress again slowly trying to regain his senses.
A clank of the electric kettle switching off and the frying of something could be heard.

Jungkook froze.

He lived alone.

He slowly reached for something to protect him self with, which turned out to be a flimsy coat hanger .
Slowly tip toeing to the door and heading towards the noise.

The floor boards creaked as he reached the door frame leading into the kitchen, Jungkook flattened himself against the wall.
Thinking what to do if it really was a robber he clutched to coat hanger closer to his chest.

He took a deep breath and went to turn the corner but suddenly stopped.
'Why?' He thought, 'why would a robber be in my kitchen?', he shook his head and turned the corner.

And there standing with his back facing Jungkook was a tall brown streaked haired man, with broad shoulders failing to notice Jungkook standing there continued cooking.

Jungkook's frown broke into a relieved smile.

"Jin-hyung, ah you scared me, I thought someone broke in!"

The man turned around, a smile abrupts on his face, he set the spatula he was previously holding and wiped his hands along a bright pink checkered apron.

"Ah, kookie , good morning, I thought I would come and make you some breakfast before you go off to school."
He gestures to a set table and pulled out he chair.

Jungkook beamed and plopped himself onto the stool then started at the selection of meats, veggies and egg omelet jin had prepared.

"Mmmm... delicous! Thankyou Jin-hyung!" Jungkook moaned with food still lingering in his mouth producing a muffled sound. ( i said i won't write smut , doesnt mean i wont mention some kinky stuff)

"Hey , StOp iT,  what have i told you about eating with your mouth full, shesh kids these days!" Jin exclaimed acting manly but eventually started laughing with his windsheld wiper laugh. Jungkook giggled along.

"Come on eat up, I'll drive you to school so your not late." Jin said as he picked up his plate , disposing it into the dishwasher, already having cleaned up while waiting for Jungkook to wake up.

"Thankyou Jin-Hyung!!!"
Jungkook  hurriedly ate and then once finished , gave his plate to Jin to pack away, he clasped his coat hanger and skipped to prepare himself.

He dressed into a pair of black jeans , a dark red sweater and pulled on his green winter coat on top. Jungkook picked up his black backpack that sat at the end of his bed and headed towards the front door.

When he reaches the front door he could see Jin slipping on his boots, Jungkook clasped his hand around his beige timberlands and pulled them on.

When he reaches the front door he could see Jin slipping on his boots, Jungkook clasped his hand around his beige timberlands and pulled them on

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The drive to school was mostly Jin and Jungkook jumping around in their seats and loudly singing to 'Havana' that played on the radio.

First short story posted
There might be a second part to this in the future , maybe.
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Stay safe and happy
Updates on this book are random sorry
But I've got sooo many ideas for bts related stories .

Ok baii

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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