- eunoia -

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Youngjae woke up from the ticklish feeling on his neck which then turned to a wet feeling. He open his eyes to see Jaebum sloppily kissing his neck. He giggled at the warmth.

Upon hearing his laugh, Jaebum moved to his cheek to his lips.

"Morning." He smiled.

"Morning." The younger responded.

"How did you sleep?"

"Your bed is so comfortable." He yawned as he stretched his limbs. "It made me dream a good dream."

"Really? Was it about me?" He wiggled his brow, which made Youngjae giggle and shake his head.


Jaebum raised his brow. "Then what could you possibly dream about that isn't about me that makes it so great?"

"I dreamt of an idea."

"What is it?"

"Bummie I want to write a song."

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