To: Me. From: Springtrap

47 1 1

11:24 AM

*SpringZero123 is active now*

*Springtrap Afton is active now*

GrapeMan🐰😎: wazzup SpringZ ☝️

SZWan2Tri😎: eyo boss William 👌

GrapeMan🐰😎: eyy do you guys have classes today? Its raining very hard fvck

GrapeMan🐰😎: and what a fvcking great school system im in, they never called a suspension

SZWan2Tri😎: waaaat boo

GrapeMan🐰😎: ifkr

SZWan2Tri😎: lucky us tho 😂

GrapeMan🐰😎: y?

GrapeMan🐰😎: :'(

SZWan2Tri😎: we had suspension last thursday, and even up to friday

SZWan2Tri😎: 😂

GrapeMan🐰😎: so what?😠

SZWan2Tri😎: i have a long fvking weekend boss 😂😂😂

GrapeMan🐰😎: shatap

SZWan2Tri😎: aww 😂😂😂

GrapeMan🐰😎: i said shataaaap

SZWan2Tri😎: hav a gud dey boss 😂

GrapeMan🐰😎: SHATAP!!! 😣😤😠

SZWan2Tri😎: 😂😂😤

*SpringZero123 was active 1 minute ago*

GrapeMan🐰😎: hngnhnghngnhnh

GrapeMan🐰😎: i aLWaYs COmE bACk

*Springtrap Afton was active 1 minute ago*

*SpringZero123 is active now*

SZWan2Tri😎: pFfT

SZWan2Tri😎: 😂😂😂

*SpringZero123 was active 1 minute ago*

*Springtrap Afton is active now*


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