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"Val, stop doing that!" Daniel screams, historically laughing as I tickle him.

"Okay, okay." I say, stopping as I giggle.

Daniel and I are meeting up at the beach with all of our friends. Something we haven't done in a long time.

"Babyyyyyyy!" Christina shouts, running to me with open arms. I run up to her and hug her so tight. Omg, it's been too long.

"So, Corbyn told me you and Daniel hit it." Christina says loudly on accident. Everyone looks at us.

"What!" Zach shouts, disgustingly.

"Uh" Daniel says, blushing.

"You knew!?" I shout at Corbyn as he nods slowly.

"Um, so let's go swimming, yeah?" Christina says, trying to avoid what just happened. I laugh and run with her in the water.

We have been at the beach for a few hours and it's been fun. All the boys are playing football and the girls are talking about life.

"So, you and Corbyn, you guys are almost 21 now. How's living together?" I ask Christina.

"Um, it's good. Yeah. We actually talked about starting a family soon. I think we are gonna wait a couple of years though. How about you?" she says, smiling.

"Obviously, you know Daniel and I moved in together. I'm 18 and he's 20. We have talked about having kids someday and getting married. With his music career and tours, I think we are gonna wait a bit as well." I say as she nods.

Daniel and Corbyn walk over to us as they have sad faces on their face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, laughing.

"Zach and Jonah made a bet that whoever loses has to make the winner breakfast." Daniel says, laying down in front of me and laying his head on my lap.

"Yeah and we don't know how to cook." Corbyn says, annoyed.

"Yeah, and we're too lazy." w adds on as he walks over to us. He's also frowning.

We hear Zach and Jonah dying of laughter as they give each other a high five. I roll my eyes, jokingly.

"You are beautiful." Daniel says as I play with his hair. I look down at him.

"I love you." I say, giving him all my attention.

"I love you, too." he says, smiling.


We get back to the house. This whole week we repainted the house, got decorations and finished getting the rest of the furniture that we didn't have.

The boys are sleeping over for three days and bringing the girls. Daniel and I decided to make the four extra bedrooms, guest rooms for when we have people over. They'd be collecting dust if we left them empty for our children.

The door opens and I see Corbyn's face.

"Chev!" he shouts, causing me to laugh.

"Hi to you too, corbean!" I say, smiling. They all walk in and the boys walk upstairs to get situated in their rooms. Christina, Gabbie, and Tate stay downstairs with me.

"I call the biggest room." Zach shouts, making all of us girls laugh.

"So, Gabbie, Tate, how was your flights?" I ask, as  I walk to the couch and they all follow. Tate nods.

"It was good." Gabbie says, sitting next to me.

"Yeah." Tate says, smiling.

"Well, Daniel and Val had sex together." Christina says, breaking the silence. I blush.

"Sorry, I had too. I don't like keeping secrets." she says, grabbing my hand into hers and places it on her lap.

"Omg!" Gabbie squeals. I laugh.

"About damn time." Tate says, giving me a little push. We get interrupted by all the boys running down the stairs.

"Can we watch a movie?" Zach asks, entering the living room.

"Of course." I say, running to the closet and getting a whole bunch of blankets and pillows.

"Help!" I shout, laughing.

Tate and Gabbie run over to me and help. We put the pillows and blankets on the floor and some on the couches. Everybody picks their spots and get comfortable.

I go into the kitchen and grab some snacks and drinks for everyone and putting them into a large bucket. After I finish up, I go back into the living room and place the bucket on the coffee table.

"Grab anything." I say as I lay down on the floor next to Daniel. He switches his position so my back is against the couch and he lays in between my legs, resting his head on my stomach.

"You seem to lay like this a lot." I say, grabbing my gatorade and taking a sip from it.

"It's my excuse to get you to play with my hair. Plus, it turns me on." he says, quietly so only I can hear. I giggle.

"Ohhhh." I say, playing with his hair.

"Gosh, I love you." he says, looking at me.

"I love you more." I say, looking down at him. He smiles.

"Impossible." he says, pulling my face down and kissing my nose.

For the rest of the night, we all watched the movie, ate snacks like little fatties, talked a lot, and just enjoyed each other's presence. It was great.

authors note
hope you guys are enjoying the book.

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