Chapter 1

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Do you believe in vampires? I'm probably sure that most of you would say 'no'. That was what I thought too until now.

Before we began the story, let me introduce myself. I am Emily White, an 18 year old girl who is living with vampires. It all started like this...

"Hey dad. You bought a house for me right? What's the address?" I ask dad on the phone.


"Wait dad. It's a big white house right?"


"Okay. I think that I've found it. Thanks dad. I love it. Bye!"


"I will."

And I ended the call. The house was amazing. White, bright and homey. I grabbed the key out of my pocket and unlocked it. But it was already unlocked. I went inside, it was better than what it looks on the outside.

So clean, bright and new. Dad really got it fixed clean and fresh like just the way I like it. I started looking around the room. Planning where to put the TV, couches and stuff.

And that's when I heard noises. I looked around. No one was there. I thought to myself that I'm just hearing stuff. I continue to plan again. The noise was back.


No one was there. How foolish am I? No one's here but me. But the sound was still in my head. I looked around then at a blink of an eye, I saw something fast past by in front of me. I rubbed my eyes then looked around again. I took a deep sigh.

"I'm just hearing and seeing things. Nothing is here. Just relax." I told myself.

"You're wrong. You're not the only one here. You weren't just hearing and seeing things." Someone said.

I looked to where the voice was coming from. It was a guy. He was standing next to the door. The only way I could get out.

How can I get out off here? I thought to myself. "Don't think of escaping. You can't run from me you know?" He smirked.

How can he hear me? Isn't that just so creepy? I really wanna get out of here without getting killed. But how? I guess I'll just have to play along.

"How do you know if I were thinking about escaping?" I act confidently.

"I can hear your thoughts."

"Ugh. Creepy much?"

"The point is, who are you?"

"I am none of your business. Why are you in my house?"

"You're house? I've been living here for 50 years! Before you even come. Don't act like you actually live here."

"You're insane."

He didn't answered. Instead he walked closer to me step by step until our faces were just centimetres away. "For breaking into my house and lying to me, you're gonna do me a favour. I gulped.

His face move closer to mine that I slapped him then ran away. I ran into a different room. Screaming for help.

The room that I had entered was bright and cozy but I was too focused on running instead. I looked behind and he was running fast as hell! How did he managed to run like that?

I've exercise 2 hours at least at the gym. I was like the fastest runner back in highs school until I met this creeper. The moment I turned back, I saw a group of guys staring at me. I looked at them then boom!


Thank you for reading chapter 1!

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Find out what happened to Emily in the next chapter of Living with vampires!


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