[Chapter 31: Dreadful Emotions]

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After a long chat with Werdi about my plans, we decided to head out. It was a pretty complicated discussion, as I had to try to put my imagination into words. Thankfully, Werdi's creative mind took it all in, and actually came up with some plausible ideas.

Akashic crystals were an unexpectedly strong and replenishable source of energy. I have personally witnessed its immense power. The AHM333.

The aliens were aware of its potential for human manipulation. Now, I am aware of its potential for destruction.

Crystals are a medium of energy storage. Ekhol specifically store Akashic energy. If a massive weapon with an Ekhol generator could be built, it would be able to harness a whole lot of Akashic energy, which could then be converted into a destructive energy, hence potentially becoming a device stronger than any known nuclear weapon.

A weapon of that strength was what we needed against the extraterrestrials. I would learn as much as I could, then hopefully I could relay this information to the Atlanteans when I returned.

Werdi, as promised, did not question my intentions. I knew I would tell him sometime soon regarding my origins, just not at the moment.

Now we were heading back to the inventory to meet up with Inya and Axel. Of course the moment Inya laid eyes on us, her face was painted in shock.

"What are you doing here?" she asked dumfounded. Werdi replied with an innocent smile.

"Laila actually requested I drop by to help her with something," Werdi said, it being not completely a lie, but not entirely the reason he was here.

Inya could probably tell we planned this, however. Our subliminal conspirational smiles had not gone unnoticed. Inya glared at me. However, before she could come up with an argument, Irah suddenly decided to show up.

She came up to us, her workbag slung over her shoulder, wearing a bright smile on her face.

"Werdi! It has been a month! How are you?" she exclaimed, coming over to pat him on the back. Werdi gave her a small smile.

"Came to see Inya, I bet!" she gushed, glancing between Inya and Werdi, amused. Werdi turned red at the mention, and chuckled awkwardly. Inya however, gave a completely opposite reaction. Her frown deepened. I noticed her eye her sister, with unusual annoyance, before she stomped off. Her sudden actions silenced us all.

"What is wrong with her?" Irah asked shaking her head.

I rushed after Inya, leaving Irah behind with Werdi and Axel. I caught up with her, stopping her from running into the library.

"Inya, stop!" I exclaimed, gripping her arm.

She turned to me, anger blazing in her eyes. I had never seen so visibly furious. She tugged her arm out of my grip.

"Stop? You stop! What were you thinking, asking Werdi to come here? Did you think it would make me feel better? I already had enough dreadful emotions to deal with. Laila, just stop meddling with my life!" she lashed out, breathing heavily as she finished. She turned away and stomped into the library.

I stood there frozen in place, guilt eating up my insides. I crossed my boundaries. Was I the only one who felt that Inya was like a sister to me? Inya wanted me nowhere into her personal life. Despite telling me her problems the other day, now she simply wants to shut off the world from her heart. I was hurt.

I wanted to help her.

"Where did Inya go?" I heard Axel say as he walked up to me. He got a look at my face, and frowned.

"What did she say...?" he asked. I shook my head and blinked away the tears from my eyes.

"Let's... Just go..." I said, walking past him.
Everytime I tried to help her, she kept pushing me away. First, during our journey to Duriko and now... This. How was she supposed to heal, if she would not let anyone help her?

I stared at the bedroom ceiling, as I contemplated. I was butting into her life. But if no one was going to help her, I did not mind being called nosy.

I made my mind and went to bed.
The next morning, I left for the inventory early. I went straight to Irah's office. She gave me a smile as saw me approach her.

"Irah, hey. I wanted to speak with you... So I was hoping to catch you before you started work," I said.

"Sure! Why not have some breakfast while we are at it? I am starving!" she exclaimed, with her usual excitement. For a pregnant woman, she was definitely a ball of sunshine.

The irony that a person this bright, could cause a darkness so intense within her own sister.

After settling into the gardens with tea and snacks, I decided to cut right to the chase.

"I wanted to talk to you about Inya..." I said.

"I have not even heard from her for ages, even I do not know what is wrong with her," Irah scoffed.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about her before she left for Aqyila. Did anything happen to her that... Made her sort of, depressed?" I said, wanting to her Irah's side of the story.

Irah furrowed her delicate brows. She contemplated my question for a moment, before speaking.

"I... Think so. I do not know exactly when it started, but a couple of months before she left to Aqyila she was pretty moody. I assumed it was due to the workload, which was why she decided to move to Aqyila," Irah said.

I was dumbfounded to know that her sister did not even know what Inya was going through.

"Didn't you ask her?" I said, my words coming out sharper than intended.

Irah frowned,"Of course I did. But she just brushed me off every single time, it did not help that she was constantly ignoring me as well," she said, defending herself.

"And it didn't even cross your mind, that perhaps it might have been something got to do with you?" I said, trying to stop myself from raising my voice.

Irah looked offended,"Why would it? I did all that I could for her when our parents died. What reason would she have to hate me?"

I let out a frustrated sigh," You did do all you could. You were great at bringing her up. But..." I trailed off, trying to figure out a way to tell her the truth.

"Irah, how long have you had feelings for Ammer," I asked, knowing I was crossing my limits, I have been doing that pretty frequently now that I thought about it.

"What? Why do you ask...," Irah widened her eyes,"No..." she said, as realisation at what I was hinting at, dawned upon her.

"Did you know she had feelings for him?" I said, looking at her dead in the eye.

Irah's face paled, guilt flickered in her eyes. "I... Thought she was not that serious about it.... I..."

"So you knew," I said, clarifying.

"How could you?" I muttered. Irah was silent, probably finally putting two and two together. Her expression sunk into even more guilt.

"I... He never liked her. When he confessed to me... I just "

"You didn't even think about what she might have felt?" I retorted.

"I had no idea she was serious about him, I swear," Irah said, as she hopelessly defended herself.

I shook my head,"You know Inya has a hard time expressing her feelings. She doesn't want to trouble anyone. You could have at least asked her. Talked to her about it," I said, exasperated. Irah was just giving excuses. She neglected Inya's feelings.

Irah had nothing to say. She knew she was at fault. I stood up.

"I suggest you go talk to her. This problem has been stretching out for way too long," I said, before leaving Irah to mull over her own thoughts.

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