Chapter 1: Pirates

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Amanda enjoyed her time on the Whirlwind, despite the captain's dismay, she almost became the part of the crew. The sailors enjoyed her cheerful nature and admired her knowledge of ships. Amanda tried to help everywhere she could and with that she earned the respect of the whole crew during the journey.

At first Mr. Milburn wasn't happy to see the young woman bond so easily with the crew. He feared harm would come to her and he couldn't help but be afraid of her father if something happens to her.

The end of the journey was near and it could be feel on the sailors. They grew more insecure and tired as the ship neared the West Indies. The chance of a pirate attack grew with every moment and this unsettled the whole crew, even Amanda. She wasn't sure how an attack would be like, but what she heard from the experienced sailors was enough for her to be excited and afraid of a possible pirate assault.

The concept of pirates pleased Amanda, the thought of outlaws fighting against what made them lose everything, was something she could live with and accept. They had their ways which was harder to accept, but she could understand their reasoning.  She even envied them for their freedom, they had something she wanted in her whole life.

Being on the Whirlwind was something she always imagined to be a pirate's life. The inside of the ship sometimes depressed her, so she spent us much time on the deck as she could. Thanks to her small weight and quick form, she could help on the riggins and soon the crow's nest became her favourite part on the ship. The lookouts were always happy to see her, since she would entertain them with stories and the time would flew by much quicker. 

One day, a few days from their destination, Amanda was up in the nest, keeping company with the lookout. He way a boy, Theodore, from London, who run away from his evil aunt to became a sailor, when he was just 15, since that he was part of the Whirlwind's crew, for 2 years now. Amanda and Theodore became friends very quickly and they learnt a lot of things about each other during the journey.

Amanda was looking over the endless sea, as her thoughts were far away, back home, Theodore was next to her scanning the water in the other direction.

"Theo, do you think a lot about your home?" she asked him, still deep in her thoughts.

"Not anymore, at first yes, I missed my friends and I felt a little homesick, this sounds ridiculous, but I even missed my aunt" he laughed zoning out for a moment "But you don't have to worry, it will go away one day, the good and the bad also, because you will earn so much more memories" he stated with a serious tone, but looked at her with a small smile. He could see worry lacing her features, but that quickly disappeared, when her eyes scout over something white on the horizon.

"Theo, can you see that?" she reached behind her back to gain the boy's attention, her eyes not leaving the growing shape in the distance. Theodore quickly turned that way, looking into the spy-glass in search of an incoming ship.

His eyes widened at the sight of the ship, but mostly because of the raised black flag carried.

"Quickly! Alarm! They are pirates!" he shouted as he started to climb down from the mast, leaving behind a surprised Amanda, who still had to process everything that happened so suddenly.


So this is the first chapter. Sorry for the late but life happened. I hope you will like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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