3: I get an awesome car

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Percy’s PoV:

I woke up that morning to Annabeth shouting in my face.

“Wake up sleepy head!! Breakfast’s ready,” she said, smirking.  She ran to the kitchen, yelling,

“You still drool when you sleep!”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “It’s too early to be up.”

“It’s 9.30 am!!” she shouted back.

“It’s a Saturday. I have a right to sleep,” I retorted.

“Besides, Annabeth, you were dozing off in Percy’s lap while we were all screaming our heads off,” said a muffled voice that I recognized as Leo’s. Yesterday, after the movie marathon, I had left Annabeth to sleep on the sofa. The rest of us stayed up until like, 3 am or something. Then we all crashed into our sleeping bags (or bed for me). I looked down into the sea of sleeping bags. I knew that once Annabeth woke me up, there was no way she’d let me fall asleep again. I jumped over them, barely missing Jason’s head, as I landed in the doorway.

“Whew,” I sighed. I went to the bathroom, took a shower and went back to the kitchen.

“Glad to see you’re awake,” Annabeth smiled. Yes, she was the love of my life, but at times like these, I seriously hated this effect she had on me. She could make me do anything, and I mean anything. Like making me wake up way too early on a Saturday morning.

“Mmmmmm,” I groaned. She rolled her eyes.

“We have blue waffle and-”

“WAFFLES? DID YOU SAY BLUE WAFFLES??!!!” I yelled at her. I heard Leo muttering, ‘Oh great, now Percy’s the one trying to wake us up.’

“Yes, if you had maybe listened to me, you would’ve known that I was making blue waffles for breakfast,” she answered. I hurriedly sat down at the table counter and stuffed my face with waffles. Annabeth was almost as great a cook as my mom.

“Woah, slow down Percy. You’ll choke,” she said, smiling at me. “And leave some for the rest.” I rolled my eyes, and gulped down my waffles.

“Fine. So what are we doing now?” I asked. She took out an air horn from behind the couch, grinning at me evilly. It’s at times like these that I’m happy that I’m not Annabeth’s enemy. “Let’s have some fun.”

We crept into my room, and Annabeth counted to three.

“1… 2… 3!!” she yelled and blew the air horn as loud as she could. Oh wow, the expression on everyone’s face was absolutely hilarious. Jason jumped up about 3 feet and kicked at the air. Leo’s nose burst into flames. Piper’s hair was all over the place. About a dozen gold coins popped up around Hazel, and Frank turned into a mouse. But the best part was my mortal friends. Tine and Jeremy jumped up and punched each other in the face. Sam almost did a backflip. Bu Alex remained unfazed, and kept on snoring. Annabeth and me were rolling on the ground, holding our stomachs, tears streaming down our faces, because we were laughing so hard. After a lot of grumbling we got everything sorted. Sam poked Alex’s cheek.

“Is he ok?” she asked. Jeremy, who was still rubbing his cheek, answered,

“He’s ok, he’s just used to air horns, since his sister tries to wake him up like that every single day.”

“I have an idea!” I yelled triumphantly. I run to the bathroom, got a bucket and filled it with cold water. Then I ran back to the room.

“Everyone, stand back!” I tell them. They all back away, realizing what I’m about to do. I tip it over, right above Alex’s head.

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