Fine Or Not

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The lights of the operation room went off. Taeyeon quickly jumped up from her seat and was pacing in front of the door. She was nervous. She had confidence in her wife's skills but she is worried for Yuri. A hand reached for her shoulder , she turned around and saw Seohyun looking at her.

"Unnie, relax. They will come out soon."

Taeyeon smiled and stood nearby the wall. Soon after, Tiffany came out with her scrubs and face mask still on. The rest of the girls and Siwon rushed to her immediately. Taeyeon saw how exhausted her wife was , she squeezed her way through and was next to Tiffany immediately.

"Guys, let her breathe first. She's been in there for hours. And behind this mask. She can't breathe properly. Back off...." Taeyeon swatted them back with her hand while her other arm is around her wife. Tiffany giggled and hugged her wife from behind before removing her mask.

"She's fine now. Yuri is fine. But she had lost a lot of blood , that bastard didn't just penetrate her abdominal aorta, he also severed her brachial artery. Means the main blood vessel in her arm. We patched it up also , but she might have some problem coordinating with her injured arm. But with proper physiotherapy she can recover. She lost quite a lot of blood , so it might take a while for her to wake up since her body just underwent something majorly traumatic , it takes time to compensate the blood loss and for the body to rest. And just you guys know , her heart stopped once inside there. So we don't know yet if there will be any changes in her brain or her body. But other than that ,she is fine."

Everyone was quiet, they did not know how to react to this news. But they know , it now boils down to Yuri herself. Sooyoung sighed and looked at Tiffany , "Fany-ah , go and rest and bring this midget along. We will handle things here. Taeyeon is pregnant and she needs to have sufficient rest, tonight has been a major hassle for us all. And she have not slept a wink since you went in there. Go and rest with her. It all depends on Yuri now."

Tiffany glanced at her wife, Taeyeon was just biting her nails nervously. She promised Tiffany that she will rest while her wife is inside with Yuri. But how could she sleep and rest while her best friend is battling with death and her wife is the surgeon operating on her best friend. Taeyeon ganced up and saw Tiffany staring at her with her blank expression , Taeyeon gulped. She knew HellFany has been unleashed. She quickly shot her wife a smile and entwined her hand with her wife's, slowly pulling the surgeon back to the on-call room.

"Fany-ah , you looked so good when you came out from the OT. You looked so cool. Especially when you take off the mask...woahhhhh" Taeyeon used aegyo on her wife to escape punishment , ever since she got pregnant she found that using Acorn and aegyo towards Tiffany will result in her getting things done the way she want it. Tiffany raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Kim Taeyeon , doing aegyo won't get you away this time. Why are you not resting ?"

"Ppani-ah ,how can I rest when my best friend is battling for her life on the operating table?" Taeyeon said with her pouting lips. Tiffany couldn't help but tuck her wife's chin upwards and landing a kiss on the pouty lips.

"I will let you off this time if you go back with me right now and rest. I texted Dr Han before entering the OT. I pushed our appointment back. We will be her last patient, then you will have time to rest and sleep. It's a big day for us too , we might be able to see if Acorn is a boy or a girl."

"You want a boy or a girl Ppani-ah ?"

"Hmm.. preferably a girl but I am okay as long as they are happy and healthy." Tiffany said while caressing her wife's stomach. "It's getting bigger now, I will look like a whale when I am about to pop." Taeyeon said making Tiffany laughed out loud.

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