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Enemies or Lovers.
I don't mean anything against England or Denmark.



Harry's POV.

I take my weapons from the box and stand in the line looking around for any spies.

"Styles" I hear my friend Jack call from behind me.

"What do you want now?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Chill I was going to ask if you want some water before the war" He patted my shoulder.

"We're going to a damn war we don't know if we're coming back home or not and you want me to chill" I spit angrily and walk away with the line.


We're at Denmark's borders, wing A attacked the borders And succeed without any difficulty.

The Denmark army showed up and started shooting at our army but we fought with all our might. At this moment I thought about my family, my sister, my mum. Am I ever gonna see them again.

A full Force of girls started shooting at us, I can't hurt women, but we're in a war and I can't give up. I started shooting with my weapon towards them. Girls are easy to win. They're weak no matter how they train. That's why I don't like hurting them. But right now, I need to.

I ran behind sandbags to hide and started shooting from behind it that's when my eyes caught a beautiful blonde girl and for a while I stopped shooting.

Dan, my mate in training, ran to me behind the sandbags.

"Man what's wrong why did you stop shooting" he hissed.

"I..I just...nevermind mate" I refilled my gun but didn't shoot.

"Styles, I'm aware that they're really attractive but you can't stop shooting because of that! Remember your home." He pushed my shoulder slightly.

"It's not that..You know how I feel about hurting women" I said looking at them. "I didn't know there will be women force. If I did I wouldn't have came and stayed in my warm bed. I don't get the point of attacking Denmark with no reason in the first place" I shrugged.

Dan kept silent for a while so I stood up and started shooting again. That's when the Denmark army stopped shooting so everyone stopped. I took it as a chance and ran to some people who have water bottles and food, I could say they're English from their clothes.

"Give me a bottle of water" I held out my hand and a man gave me some water. I mumbled a thanks and sat down aside when everyone settled I was confused about the reason why, but I didn't actually care.

"Gave up too early, Styles" I couldn't recognize the voice, we're an army of 50,000 how can I recognize the voice.

I looked up to see who was it I saw Jack. Again. This jerk.

"I won't give up" I said sternly enough for him to shut up.

"Sure you won't. I saw you eyeing the sexy Denmark girls" I tried hard not to slap him right now.

"They're sexy indeed. But I'm still fighting for England" I said and stood up and walked away to another place to rest away from jerks.

Anna's POV.

"Girls, I got an idea" I whispered to Ellen and Mary.

"Inspire us" Ellen rolled her eyes at me and I swat her arm slightly.

"Look everyone is resting now, let's go to wing B there, and suddenly attack them between them" I said pointing at a group of guys sitting down.

"Sure, tell the rest" Mary shrugged eating a power bar.

"No! Just...Three of us" I said.

"Seriously, we're gonna be killed. Three girls against hundreds of English army" Ellen whispered angrily.

"Don't worry they won't see us until we attack them there's alot of people there" I smiled.

"Anna" they both said angrily.

"I'm the captain here, grab your weapons ladies" I held my weapon and crawled to the other side between people. I looked behind to make sure they're following me.

When we were exactly behind the group of resting guys. I directed my weapon to the middle one but suddenly he held his weapon and turned around.

"Set your weapons down right now" He said angrily looking at me. That's when I caught his beautiful green eyes.

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