Chapter 2

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New chapter!! might post another one later on today!!


i need feedback!!!


Harper woke up to the light streaming through her living room window. She sat up slowly  and glanced around. she was in boxers and a tank top with her hair pulled back in a loose bun, causing her bangs to drape her face. she groaned as she brought herself to her feet and walked to her kitchen with a hand on her back,why didn't she sleep in her room?She reached her hand up to brush her hair from her forehead and felt wet paint splattered across her face. she  looked back in the living room and saw a canvas with a print from half her face imprinted in the paint. so thats why she didn't make it to her room last night.. She walked to her bathroom and slipped into the shower after shimmying out of her clothes.

On the other side of the wall separating the apartments Wes was sitting up on his couch ,flipping through the tv channels mindlessly. he had woken up late that night from a nightmare of his father and his abusive ways as a kid and how he watched as he killed his mother when he was 12. he sighed and shook his head to shake the thought away. He turned on the morning news and wondered to his kitchen, in his boxers tiredly and started searching through the fridge for something to eat. He fished out a loaf of bread and a case of eggs  and began scrambling eggs and humming softly along to the jingle for some kind of  acne clearing gel. He walked to the fridge and grabbed cheese and sprinkled it over the eggs then walked to the couch again with his food and set it on the coffee table. He was about to sit down but he heard the faint sound of the mailmans car driving by. The damn mailman never put his mail in the right place. Moving quickly Wes made his way outside and ran straight into the new girl, causing the mail that was in her hands to go all over the ground.

“way to go dipshit..” she muttered as she bent down and started gathering the mail at his feet. Wes made a face .

“most of that is mine, you just moved in, why would you already have mail?” he snapped “the damn mailman has been putting my mail in your box for months now and doesn't know how to take a fucking hint when i tell him its not my box” he muttered. Harper rose to her full height and shoved the mail in his hands since none of it was hers.

“are you always so amazingly happy in the mornings? or are you just this way to me?” she asked, her words dripped with sarcasm. Without another word Wes turned and walked back into his apartment with a slam of the door. Harper just sighed and flipped off his door because she didn't have the bravery to do it to his face. she turned and walked back into her apartment ,slamming her own door.


As the evening approached Harper stood in her kitchen blasting king for a day by pierce the veil, attempting to scream the lyrics but failing horribly.

“Dare me to jump off of this Jersey bridge

I bet you never had a Friday night like this

Keep it up keep it up lets raise our hands

I take a look up in the sky and I see red

Red for the cancer, red for the wealthy,

Red for the drink that's mixed with suicide.

Everything red!!”

She was rinsing off her paint brushes and then grabbed a bucket of paint from the front room with her brushes in her fist. she walked back to her bedroom and started painting on the wall, the music playing loud, all the same. she danced slightly, singing along as she painted the wall with graceful strokes of the brush. The lyrics of the singing parts flowed from her lips happily, even though it wasnt really a happy song.

“Please, won't you push me for the last time,

Lets scream until there's nothing left

So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore.

The thought of you is no fucking fun.

You want a martyr, I'll be one because enough's enough,

We're done.”

Suddenly there was a pounding on her door. Harper wasn't expecting anyone so who would be coming to her new home? she raised an eyebrow and walked to the door, wiping her paint covered hands on her  worn t shirt. she swung the door open only to see Wes standing there with an unamused face.

“do you mind?” he muttered.

“mind what?” she smirked, sh

e knew he was here because her music was loud and that's what brought him here.

“your damn music, i can hear every word through the wall” He said as he ran a hand over his smooth chin  and sighed.

“oh , well then you're welcome. i know my music taste is better than most” she stated, innocently.

“turn it off” he growled with a scowl in Harpers direction. He was never into that type of music and he didn't plan on listening to it more due to his new neighbor who was turning out to be nothing but a pest.

“oh im sorry am i interrupting your night of watching an ass load of greys anatomy because your love life is lacking?” she smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. Wes rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle.

“no actually i have a girl over and she doesn't appreciate my annoying neighbor blasting her music like a 14 year old punk kid”

“but i am a 14 year old kid! accept 20..” she said with fake enthusiasm “i’ll turn it down calm your bitch tits..” she said with a roll of her own eyes.

“good” he snapped and left , going back to his own apartment. he sighed, there wasn't really a girl. the girl he usually had over on friday nights was out of town. he sat back down and turned on his grey's anatomy once again, how the hell did she know about that?

“AHA!!! I KNEW YOU WERE WATCHING GREYS ANATOMY!!” a voice yelled, though it was muffled through the wall. moments later there was a knock on the door. Wes rose and opened the door . Harper was standing there with bags of popcorn and she pushed past him and sat on the couch. “what season are we watching?” she asked as she sat indian style. Wes just stared at her for a moment, was this the same girl who he was just arguing with? he sighed softly and sat by her reluctantly but he did want company so he wasn't gonna ask her to leave.

“season four” he said plainly and sat on the other side of the couch and watched. the two of them watched it all night until Harper finally dragged herself home in the early hours of the morning , it was good that her house was just right by his so she didn't have to go to far. she fell into her bed and looked up at the ceiling. Yep, she was totally falling for him already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2012 ⏰

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