Chapter 2

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"Parties in high school are about bending the rules, meeting new people, and getting drunk." - Anonymous

        High School parties consist of alcohol in red solo cups, horny 17 year old boys, bad rap music, and a whole lot of weed. I went to a few high school parties in my time here, but nothing like the one I was about to encounter. This was the last high school party, and they were going to make this one not to forget. There was a change of venue, and that info spread around quicker than I expected. I drove myself all the way down to the South Lake. The South Lake wasn't even a Lake, it was a pond that expanded over the years, but let me tell you, it was nothing special. It hardly had any water in it, during the drought were still in. But the beach by the lake, is where all the best parties are held. The lake is deep in the redwood trees and I'm pretty sure no one really has an idea that it's there, besides the last four senior classes of our high school.

         I park my Honda and follow all the other seniors making their way towards the light and ear-piercing music. I get to the beach and I can see at least a hundred people here. I can see the smoke in the air, no it wasn't pollution, it was smoke from all the weed.

        "Hey Miles!" I hear someone say behind me. I match the voice with Walt Carr, who's waving at right at me. Of course I have to look behind me to validate that he's actually waving at me, so I don't look like a total idiot, but I probably have already accomplished that.

         I walk towards him, and for some reason my blood starts pumping really fast. Which never happens (only when I'm around Anna). I think it might have been spur of the moment, or the smell of the alcohol. I walked towards him and he had some friends with him, Amy Brown (his girlfriend AKA his drug dealer) and some other guys that I had no idea who the hell they were. As I joined the group, a face had appeared out of the two mystery boys, it was the most beautiful face I've ever seen in my life. The face that I see everyday, but it never sees me. The face belonged to Anna Johnson, my blood was pumping a million miles a second. She was staring at me, she saw me, at the same time I was seeing her. 

        "Hey Stephen." She said in a excited tone, like I was an old friend, which I was, it just didn't feel like it.

        "Hi Anna." Those words came out in a slur, to get them out of mouth after all these years. The blood in my veins immediately stopped and calmed down. 

        "Well, I have to go find Bradley." She said and squeezed herself passed me, to get out of our circle of people.  Bradley was her boyfriend, he didn't care about her though, I could tell since Junior year. He only wanted to be with her, because he thought she was easy to get, she wasn't at all like that. Well, I think she wasn't easy to get. 

        "So Stephen, what are you doing after high school?" Walt asked me. 

        To be honest I had no idea what I was going to do, I got into University of Berkeley, but I haven't made a decision if I want to go. My parents  don't know that I haven't accepted yet, and I don't plan on telling them soon. "I don't know yet." I told him.

        "You want a drink?" Any asked me, clearly wanting to end that conversation because she didn't have the heart to care. 

        "Um, yeah sure." I said with a sturdy tone. (Lie #2: I didn't want a drink, but I know when you're at a party surrounded by drunk people and you're completely sober, you'll be the one getting hurt, so when you get a drink, take small sips, and later act like you've had 10 drinks instead of a half of one) 

        Amy went to the nearest beer cooler and grabbed me this cheap bottle of beer. It looked like it was purchased at the dollar store, and tasted like it too. 

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