I'm Glad.

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I've been sad at points in my life. But I have never been this sad, people call me an attention seeker, some call me a ditcher. Truth is, I just want to be noticed because I'm not at home. I slowly devopled into acting. Not acting on stage. Acting in locking away my true feelings, faking a smile, and faking my personatily. 


I was in first grade when it happened. The fight involing my parents. I sat in the lounge room drawing on the table with my colourful texters. I placed it down once I heard screaming entacting from the other room. Pushing myself up I walked towards the room that held my parents. I climbed onto the rail under the small table and grabbed onto the door pushing it open slightly. 

I peered though seeing my father slap my mother. She hissed as tears sprung down her face. 

"She is just a child Andrew!" She screamed, she balled her fist together and glared upwards towards my father. He grittened his teeth and slapped her once more. I gasped softly and tears fell down my eyes. 

"It doesn't matter Carol!" He screamed. "She was a mistake! I'm wasn't ready to have a child!" He pushed her to the wall. Kicking her in the face. I gasped once more. 

"Mommy..." I whsipered. My father opened a drawer grabbing a black object out. I screamed and ran in. My fathers' eyes widen as did my mothers. I ran over to my mom and huged her tightly crying into her chest. My father shook his head, a killer glare shot into my mothers eyes. Swiftly father raised the black object chuckling darkly. A loud bang enacted from it, out of the corner of my eyes I saw my mother jump infront of me. I screamed and saw blood escape from my mothers chest. 

Breathing heavily she glared up at my father. My eyes widen as I saw the blood drip down onto the floor. 

"Mommy..." I whispered my tears becoming faster. My father gasped as he saw the one he loved glaring at me. Slowly he raised the gun to his head. I was stuck to the ground, I couldn't move. 

"I leaving." Was the last thing he said before another loud bang went off. Blood shot out from the other side of my fathers head. I screamed as they both hit the ground. Having my albility to move once more I raced over to my father.

"Daddy?" I said pushing him. He didn't move, blood slowly poured out of his head. Placing my hands over my mouth I fell back. A loud thump was heard from behide me. Swiftly, my head turned towards the noise. My mother liad there barly breathing. I crawled over, my mother pushed herself over so she was looking deeply into my eyes. 

"Mommy..." I sniffed. Slowly she raised a hand and rubbed my cheek with her thumb. I placed my hand ontop of hers and stared at her. 

"I'm glad you're safe..." She breathed out. I chocked on my breath and cried louder. 

"You have to be safe as well mommy!" I yelled. She smiled softly, carefully she trailed her hand down to my necklace, she weakly placed a thumb on the button, pushing it down it swung open reviling a picture of our family before the fight. 

I glanced down and tightly gripped onto her hand. 

"I love you Alyssa..." She smiled wider weakly. I chocked once more. 

"I love you too mom...don't leave me..." She wrapped her hand around mine. 

"I will leave the earth but never your heart. I'm..." Her words were cut short as the life slowly went from her eyes. 

"Glad...." She breathed out before the life was completly gone. I screamed and hugged my mother. Blood seeped into my pink dress as I cried onto her chest. 

My parents died that night. My father died with a frown. My mother died with a smile as she said her dying words, "I'm glad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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