7: Rylyn

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A Rylyn fluff😘 because they are so cute!!

Brooklyn's POV
3rd person

Brooklyn raced to his class, cursing himself for not waking up early enough. The bell for first hour rung atleast twenty minutes ago. And there he is, racing to get to his class. Cutting close to a corner, Brooklyn's body rammed into a taller, buffer body. A hand wrapping around Brooklyn's waist, the person trying to keep himself from falling. Not to mention, their lips brushing against eachother. Brooklyn's eyes fluttered open, expecting to be on the floor, whining in pain, not to be just about kissing someone. It was Rye Beaumont, star football player. A smirk painted on his face as he pulled away.

Brooklyn looked up at him, horrified and completely utterly embarrassed. A blush dusting over his cheeks.

"S-shit!" He muttered, eying the football player, as he closed the space, backing Brooklyn into the wall.

"I'm late to class." Was the only excuse Brooklyn could muster. A laugh erupted from Rye's lips. Brooklyn would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying himself right now.

"You ain't missing anything." Rye shrugged, lifting up Brook's face, making the blonde look at him.

"Let me know when to stop." Rye muttered in a low voice, as he leaned in. His lips brushing against Brooklyn's, shaking the boy to his core. A sudden boost of confidence soaked into Brooklyn's ego, as he wrapped a arm around Rye's neck, the other in Rye's curly locks. Brooklyn pushed his lips harder, deepening the kiss.

Sighing as Rye's lips left his mouth, Brooklyn chewed on his lower lip, as Rye left kisses down Brooklyn's neck. By the time Rye pulled away, Brooklyn had a hickie the size of a golf ball.

Touching it, he retracted his hand, hissing in pain. Glaring at the football player, who laughed.

"Dammit, Ryan!" Brooklyn laughed. Rye grabbed Brooklyn's hand and pulled him into the middle of the hallway. Turning Brooklyn towards his class, Rye smacked his bum, causing Brooklyn to gasp.

"Wouldn't want to be late to class, now would we." Rye teased, and watched as Brooklyn walked to his next  class, so he wouldn't have to deal with Ms Shaw, his first hour teacher, a scarlet blush on his face.

The bell rung, and Brooklyn was the first to slip into his second hour. The blush died down but it definitely still there.


Brooklyn walked into the cafeteria with his friend Jack. Getting their meals, the boys sat at their everyday table talk. That was until Rye and his friends passed, so caught up in Rye, Brooklyn didn't reply to Jack.

Jack watched as Rye winked at Brooklyn who blushed. Chuckling a bit, Jack teased his friend.

"I do not like him!" Brooklyn blurted, slightly irritated, and lying. Jack stared at Rye who stood behind Brooklyn, rolling his eyes.

"Welp, that's a shame." Rye said, turning to leave, making Brooklyn jump.

Grabbing his hand, Brook pulled Rye into a kiss. The cafeteria went abruptly quiet, as a hundred pairs of eyes watched the boys kiss.

Pulling away, Rye leaned his forehead against Brooklyn's, who still hadn't noticed the staring crowd. Self consciously,
Brooklyn cuddled into Rye's side, who smiled as his friends cheered, causing the whole cafeteria to do the same.

"We're gonna be a power couple, baby." Rye told him, kissing the top of Brooklyn's head.

"That sounds amazing as long as I am with you." Brooklyn said cheesily. Standing on his tippy toes, his lips brushed against Rye's, who held Brook' s left cheek, his lips meeting the blonde boy's.

"Get you some, bestfriend!" Emma, Rye's bestfriend yelled from their table, as she sat with their other friends.

Although neither of them said it out loud, they were officially together.

This is probably my favorite, and best imagine. Which one of these are your favorite.

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