Chapter 6

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POV Taehyung

Groupchat Bangtang Boys👻:

Hobi-hoe☀️: Yoongi and I are going to the hospital to stitch him up

You: why didn't you go earlier?

Sleepy grandpa😴: because I hate hospitals

Mother Jin🍜: after telling you all day I finally convinced you

Sleepy grandpa😴: exualy hobi did

Mother Jin🍜: you should listen to me more

Sleepy grandpa😴: no

God of distruction: so it's gonna be Jin and Tae tonight?

You: no Jimin is coming over

Hobi-hoe☀️: oehh do you have a date then?

You: no ofcourse not, we are just going to hang out nothing more

Mother Jin🍜: don't forget to use protection I don't want another kid

You: he is a man don't worry

Sleepy grandpa😴: so you're finally gonna fuck him took ya long enough

You: fuck off

I rolled my eyes at the reaction of the boys. I'm going to hold myself back for awhile untill he is over Jungkook. When I notice that he is I'm going to take him for myself. I sound very selfish but I don't care I need him.

Private chat with Jungkook:

Bunny guy🐰: hey

You: hey?

Bunny guy🐰: I just want to thank you I quess I forgot to do that

You: for what?

Bunny guy🐰: for Jimin and for being there for me even though you don't know me

You: no problem you can always talk to me

Now that Jungkook and Jimin broke up I started to hate him less than I did first. But he is still a jerk for hurting my baby boy. But don't worry Jimin I'm going to fix you and love you with whole my heart just wait.

After dinner I got a text from Jimin asking how late he could come over. I told him to come whenever he wanted so he said he'd be there in a few minuts. "Mom!" "Yes honey?" "Jimin is coming over." She looked shocked. "Omg the Jimin where you have a crush on?" She asks suprised. I nod and smile. "Oh I forgot to tell you I-uhh I have to go to my friend so I'll be home late." She tells me very fast and kind of runs out of the house. I laugh at my moms behavior. She is such a great women. I wish all the people had a mom like mine.


I run towards the door and open it. In front of me is a smiling cute little Jimin. "Hey come in come in." I say as I open the door further so he could come in. "Hey, wow your house is so beautiful." "Thanks, come I'll show you around." He nods and follows me. After a mini tour we end in the game room. "Shall we play a game or do you want to talk?" I ask him as I sit down. "Let's just talk because I like talking with you and I don't game." He says and sits next to me. He is so close. I have never fhought that he would ever come to my house to hang out together. "Okay let's talk then." I smile at him and he gives me his cutest smile back. I have to hold myself back from not pinching(?) his cheeks. This is going to be a long fun night yet I have to hold myself back all the time. I hope I can he is soooo cute and sweet arghh I think I'm going insane everytime he smiles or laughs because of me. He makes me feel so much. My heart is omgash.

"So Jimin are you okay?" Seriously Tae? What kind of start is this? Urgh I mentally facepalm myself. "I'm fine but I really miss Jungkook. I still love him so much but I need time." I nod I do understand him. "Well if you need someone just come to me." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Thanks TaeTae." Him calling me TaeTae is sooo cute. "Also I should tell you this. He looks at me with a serious face. "What is it? Something wrong?" I ask concerned. "Nothing just," he stops for a second, "just I can't believe Jungkook. I mean what did I do wrong? Am I not good enough for him? I think about this way too much and-," he wants to continue but I stop him by pulling him in a hug. "Stop, don't talk like that about yourself. You should love yourself. I mean your beautifull, sweet and kind what do you want more?" I comfort him and hold him tight scared to let go. "You really think about me like that?" He asks unsure so I quickly nod. "Yes you're the best you can get and Jungkook is stupid for letting you go like this and hurt you." He blushes and becomes shy.

We talk and cuddle the rest of the time untill Jimin has to go home. "Do you really have to go home? You can sleep here." I suggest but he rejects. "Thank you so much Tae but I have to go home I'll see you tomorow morning." He waves me goodbye. "Okay byee!" I shoud happily and go back inside.

I can't believe that I spend the evening with Jimin. My heart died it was going so fast. I tried to hold back but hugging him felt so good and he didn't mind because he fhought I was just conforting him. Little did he know that I'm in love with him.

Groupchat Bangtang Boys👻:

Mother Jin🍜: sooo Taehyung how did your date go?

You: it was great and it wasn't a date we have just been chilling at my house

Sleepy grandpa😴: yea right how was fucking him?

You: we didn't

God of distruction: tell us everything tomorow but for now go sleep otherwise Jin will kill you

Mother Jin🍜: ^^

You: goodnight mommy and daddy

Hobi-hoe☀️: 😂😂


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