Chapter 5

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I wake up early to find Izzy in the kitchen. She has made a fruit salad so I fill a bowl and sit next to her.

"Are you going to Carrie's today?"

"Yeah I am, she wants to film a video with me," I smile.

"Aww, that will be fun. I'm going out with Gi and Georgia so I will meet you at Carrie's before we need to go to BBC, sound good?" I nod and make my way upstairs to get ready.

I find a black hopeful t-shirt in my wardrobe so I put it on with some purple skinny jeans. I'm ready to go pretty quickly.

Message from Carrie: I'm ready when you are Melody, come round when you are ready! x

I smile and make my way downstairs to see Harry. He is just in jeans and a T-shirt and hasn't gelled his hair.

"Ready to go Judd Junior?" he asks and I nod following him to the car.

"So are you excited for tonight?" he asks revving up the car.

"Overly. But I'm nervous too. Everyone's going to know who I am. I'm so used to not being there. To be invisible."

"Hey, I don't want you to be invisible. Melody, you've been my daughter for what, 2 days, and I can honestly say you are the best thing to happen to me, other than Iz," I smile at my feet. We are silent for the rest of the journey, but it is a comfortable silence, as we enjoy the company.

Soon, Harry pulls up to what I assume is Carrie's house, and Tom's old house. I knock on the door and Carrie opens it quickly.

"Hey guys how are you?" She asks.

"Good, thanks,"

"Come on inside, the parents are out. Do you want a drink Harry?"

"Nah, I best be off, nice to see you," he says hugging Carrie, "and look after my little girl!" Carrie laughs at that.

"Have fun Junior," Harry smiles kissing my forehead and hugging me.

I step inside Carrie's house and follow her upstairs to a bedroom. There, are two seats in front of a packed bookcase, opposite a tripod and camera.

"Now I don't care how much Harry wants to announce it, I'm making a video with you before Graham Norton tonight to at least tell YouTube who you are," Carrie says fiddling with the camera.

I laugh and walk to Carrie's mirror. Well if I am meeting the YouTube world, I need to look ok, don't I?

"So what are we doing in the video?" I ask sitting on Carrie's bed.

"Just a little something I invented a while back," she says sitting on one of the chairs. I sit next to her, and she tells me to bob down while she introduces the video.

"So you've probably seen the title of this video. Oh no Carrie not part 2 of the tmi tag. But that's not it. I have a very special guest here to ask the questions to. It's my niece!" I pop my head up.

"Yeah I'm Tom's kid. I grew up pretty quick considering no one knew I was born yet," I say sarcastically.

"Only kidding, though she is my niece, it's Melody Judd! Basically I class the McBusted boys as my brothers and Melody here was recently adopted by Harry and Izzy. So now you know who Judd Junior on twitter really is!" Carrie explains as I wave at the camera.

"So now I am going to ask Melody the TMI tag questions. Let's begin!" I nod and smile. I'm kind of nervous.

"Ok, so number 1 what are you wearing?"

Ok simple.

"I am wearing purple skinny jeans," I say, lifting my leg in front of Carrie's face, and a black hopeful t-shirt,"

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