Hey my name is Jayden my life started like a 3 second Snapchat I need to tell you about something it's not about your life it's the art that matters but it doesn't go the way you want to sometimes you can be left out sometimes you can be hated I was one of those people and tell him going to rock out with my band Rocket 3 soon-to-be rocket 5 where the next R5 we haven't yet get a 5th person yet but we're going to soon and that's why I'm going to share the Story of My Life I was born and 2004 December 9th with Three Brothers in to sister I'm the youngest and it is amazing to be the youngest but now we have a stepmom around my mom died when I was 9 years old me and Desmond met in 4th grade we start a band and sixth grade Stacy tamez quit the band I don't know why she did we're trying to get her back that's pretty much my life story what happens next only the universe knows.