How You Meet

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A/N- Soooo I hope you guys already know the basic key to fanfics, so I'm not going over that. Sorry! I'll try to update and make these as good as possible!

Jeff the Killer-

   The cold of the night made you snuggle down in your covers more. You had your window open, but, you being lazy decided to not close it. You were on that thin line between sleep and the waking world when you heard a small thud. You shot up in alarm. Nothing. You were probably dreaming.

   You laid your head back down on your pillow. You were back on the thin line again when you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps. You snapped open your eyes and standing at the door of your bed was a person. The person had charcoal black rings around his lidless eyes, paper white skin, and the smile. The artificial-hand caved-slightly disturbing smile. He held a knife in one hand, strands of his black hair in front his face.

   Your eyes went wide when you saw him. You managed to squal out, "Don't hurt me, please,"

   The figure chuckled raspily, "Nah, I'm not going to hurt you," He made his way over to your window and turned to wink at you before sliding out the window.


   "I'm telling you, he's fake!" Your friend insisted as the two of you trudged through the woods, "You need to grow up and stop believing in dumb shit like that!"

   "And I'm insisting that he's real!" You contradicted. A thin fog covered the trees around you two, casting an eerie setting.

   "I'll belive it when I see it!" Your friend huffed and turned away. The fog had thickened by now, and a faint buzzing noise was heard, echoing off the trees. As the two of you progressed, the buzzing only got louder.

   A figure caught your eye. You threw an arm out in front of your friend to stop them from continuing to walk on, "Dude look,"

   You and your friend looked at the tall, slender figure. The static-like buzzing noise seemed to come from the figure. It was dressed nicely, complete with a suit and red tie. It's featureless face stared at you, but you didn't feel alarmed.

   "Shit!" Your friend took off running, leaving you here.

   You respectfully dipped your head, "Slenderman I assume?"

   The figure dipped its head in response, "Of course, good to meet you,"


     You loved the more 'retro games', so when a friend offered you a copy of LOZ: Majora's Mask, you couldn't turn down the offer. They had given you the game, and the first thing you noticed was that there was no cover, only the word Majora written across it in black sharpie.

   "Odd," You thought, "Maybe it's just used," You inserted the cartridge into your DS and started to play, starting off on the save file labeled BEN. You thought it was odd really, you didn't know any BENs. Yet at least. 

    The game started acting up, glitching, deaths occurring when they shouldn't have, and backwards music. You thought of it being frustrating, until the screen of your DS went to static and a hand reached out of the DS.

    You instinctively dropped the DS as the rest of the figure climbed out of the DS. You scrambled off the couch and ran to your room and locked the door. You turned to see your TV on. The screen was black, with the text "You Shouldn't Have Done That..." It disappeared before the figure jumped out of your TV screen and snapped his fingers. Cords of all sorts formed a barrier over the door, blocking your exit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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