17 0 2

I woke up with all my curtains closed and my phone obnoxiously ringing, I turned to it and looked at Ethan's name.

"Good Morning beautiful" He said after I answered  it.

"Good Morning Ethan" I smiled as he called me "beautiful."

"Do you need a ride to school today?" He asked

"Yeah also Megan and Melanie need a ride"

"Ok I'll meet you in 20 minutes" 

I hung up and got up from bed to take a quick shower.

Since last summer a lot has happened, It's now just me, Grayson, Ethan, Megan and few new people like Melanie and Marissa. Melanie moved to LA in June because her parents seperated and her mom wanted a fresh start. Marissa has always lived in LA but she just moved school districts.

Gabriella, Stacy, Jasmine, Hunter, Sammie, Nate, Hannah and Jayden all moved away at first it was hard on us but we've gotten used to it and sometimes hang out on the weekends. Gabriella and I have gone our separate ways for the best of course, we were constantly getting  into little arguments and disagreements. Other than that things have been good and Ethan and I have taken the next step in our relationship.

I got out of the shower and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail, I put on a pair of grey Nike sweats  and a short sleeve shirt. I grabbed my bag and keys and walked down stairs.

"Hey mom" I said with a smile on my face

"Good morning Ash, do you want to eat before you head out?"

"No I'm fine Ethan's waiting for me so I should hurry" I said to her

"Ok then have a good day" 

I walked towards the door, but before I did I gave my brother a hug and a  kiss then grabbed my shoes  and left.

"Oh finally she's here" Grayson said

"Shut up" I said laughing as I gave him a hug

"Hello gorgeous" Ethan said with a huge smile on his face

"Please stop" I started to blush

"Why its cute when I make you blush"

"No its not" 

"Can you two shut up so we can go" Grayson said as he got into the front seat

  We drove to Megan's house and waited for her to come out.

"Hey sorry I  took so long my mom was bitching again" She said as she got in

"It's ok-" Before I could finish Grayson interupted me

"No its not ok" He said sarcastically 

"Well if Melanie could hurry the fuck  up now" Ethan said while rolling his eyes

"I don't see why you hate her so much?" Megan said 

" I don't hate people Megan I strongly dislike her" 

"Me too" Grayson said 

"Why?!" I asked 

"She's rude, disrespectful, loud, annoying and a hoe" Ethan said 

"well first off she isn't  hoe and she's just going through a lot right now. Give her some time to adjust and you'll start to like her" I said 

Before he could say anything else Melanie started walking towards the car.

"Hey!" She said as she got in 

"Hi Melanie" Megan said


I got out of the car and Ethan  and I started to walk towards the track.

"I was thinking that we should go to the party tonight" He said as he conjoined our hands

 "  The party?  Well I don't know, you know what happened last time"

"We had sex Ashlyn its ok" He chuckled

"Yeah ok whatever" I said in a frustrated way 

"I know you wanted it to be special but I mean we can't change that now"

"I'm  just being overly sensitive about it ignore me"

"No you're not I completely  understand Ash"

"Yeah well like you said we cant change that now so who cares" I shrugged 

We left the track and started walking to class together. This year I was surprisingly satisfied with my classes especially because they were mostly with my friends.

period 1: Chemistry 

period 2: English 3 

period 3:  AP Euro

period 4: Choir 

period 5: Fitness 

period  6:  Digital Photography 

Grayson and I had 1,3, and 5 periods together, Ethan and I had 1,2, and 6 together and Megan, Melanie, and Marissa  and I had almost all classes together except for choir and AP Euro together.


Ethan and I walked into class and sat in the back in our usual seats, Grayson came in 2 minutes after us and sat beside  me. I could tell something was up.

"You  ok?" I asked him

"Not really" He seemed even more upset

"What happened?" 

"Well after you and Ethan left I was talking to Marissa and I asked  her out  and she turned me down. Ash I really like her and i dont know what to do"

"Hey girls come and go plus Marissa is stupid for turning you down you're an amazing guy Grayson and she obviously doesn't realize it"

"As great as that was it didn't help at all" 

"This is what I get for trying to be a good friend" I rolled my eyes

"I'm joking thank you Ash it did help"

"Of course I'm always here" I Smiled

The bell rang and we started to get our stuff out to start class.

"Ok class we are doing an experiment today"


After class we went out  to the quad for brunch and met  up with our friends, I noticed Marissa was alone so I went up to her.

"Hey why are you all alone?"I asked her

"I don't know I just need some time to think" She gave me a reassuring smile

"Is it about the whole Grayson thing?" I asked

"Yeah, I do like him but theres stuff that I've heard about him and it makes me not want to be with him"

"Like what?"I gave her a confused look

"Well you know Cameron right?"

"Yeah what did he say?" I asked in annoyance 

"Well he told me that Grayson had been hooking up with quite a few girls  lately and he even told me a story about a girl  that used to like him and how he led her on and had dropped her after they hooked up at a party"

"Cameron is an idiot he and I had a thing my freshman year and ever since then he has always tried to spread rumors about me or my friends"

"Well what  should I do now?"

"Talk to Grayson and clear this whole thing  out"

She nodded her head and talked towards Grayson.

A/N:  Well that actually took a while but I hOpe you guyS liked it

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