Chapter 31 - Graduation Dinner & Gifts - Saturday Early Morning, Mid-June

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As the first week of Chris's self-imposed punishment comes to an end, Clay continues to blow up his phone.



Clay: I'm missing you like crazy, I wish next week would hurry up and get here.

Chris: we see each other in school, I mean you drive me everywhere ... plus I'll see you at graduation in a few.

Clay: I know, but I wanna around you, I wanna smell you, I wanna be all up in your personal space ... like, boom [putting his face right up against the screen]

Chris: ugh, stalker much?

Clay: yes, cause I miss you!

Chris: I miss you too, this week is the first time, we haven't spent at least one night together, I want to be in your arms right now. [Clay flexes his muscles, Chris giggles, and smiles]

... you're so silly.

Clay: silly for you ... do that thing with your hair ... flip it from side to side.

Chris: [giggles and playfully flips his hair and does a couple of shoulder moves] only because I think you're cute ... I don't know why you like when I do that?

Clay: cute, I thought I was phine, and sexy ... I like it cause it's one-a-them things you do ...

Chris: well IG is the only way I get to see that sexiness, so give me a show. [without any hesitation Clay begins to strip, taking off his shirt and flexes his biceps and then flashes Chris a few times]

... okay, show me the goods, and I mean the booty, turn around and shake it for Daddy.

Clay: ass? You wanna see some ass? You want summa this? [dropping his clothes to the floor and lifts his leg to show Chris his ass, as he twerks]

Chris: I will, as soon as I get finished with this punishment ... I'll take care of that jungle back there too ...

Clay: [laughs] maybe ... and what jungle? Everybody don't keep their booties looking like a porno star. All silky smooth like you.

Chris: [shaking his head] maybe nothing, Mr. Carter-van der Berg ... you need to trim that backyard.

Clay: now I get the title when you want some ass?

Chris: guilty, I'm so horny right now [looks at the clock]

... oh shoot, we need to get ready.

Clay: okay, keep the camera on.


The both take quick showers, placing their phone and tablet in spots, for them to see each other. Quickly getting dress Clay ends the FaceTime session, and leaves with his parents and brother. Mr. Carter's parents, drive up from Charleston and Mrs. Carter's parents flew in from Florida.

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