Date Night

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A/N: Hey guys I'M BAAAAACK, I'm doing it again LOL sorry Jordan but after chapter 8 of your book 'Hard To Get' an idea come to my head and I've been pushing it back but now that I've updated my other Baylor book I wanna write this. So everything belongs to Jordan copyright, plot, characters except Fergal Devitt, Pamela Martinez and other WWE superstars in the book but I'm just gonna play with it LOL and write what I see happening next! Jordan don't kill me and I hope you again don't mind me playing with your book, plot and characters LOL! Enjoy the first alternate chapter of 'Hard To Get', thanks guys!


The next day Pam woke up and her head was killing her, it took her a few seconds to remember what happened last night but she remembered that she had gone out with the girls last night and she got wasted. As she got up from the bed she also remembered the text she had sent Colby last night and she groaned at her stupidity but she still loved Colby so maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go out with him tonight.

Pam decided not to tell the girls that she texted Colby last night in her drunkenness to go out tonight because the girls would be upset with her for giving that slimeball the time of day after he cheated on her. Like Pam said it wouldn't hurt to give him a chance, right?

The girls had again asked Pam to go out with them again but Pam told the girls she had plans for the night and when they had asked her what her plans were Pam said she was just catching up with an old friend she hadn't seen in years and the friend was in town and she had organised to catch up with them. The girls backed off but told Pam she was still welcome to come later if she wanted to and they gave Pam the address of the bar they were going to.


Later that night Pam was getting ready to meet up with Colby. She was fixing her make up which was light and she had let her hair down. Pam wore one of her mini dresses she owned and a pair of black heels. She was just finishing putting on her lipstick when there has a knock on her door. Grabbing her bag and keys Pam opened the front door to find Colby standing there holding a bunch of flower and in a casual suit as he smiled at her.

"Hey babe, wow you look gorgeous. Here these are for you" Colby said giving Pam the flowers as he leaned in to kiss her but Pam moved her head at the last second and Colby ended up kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks Colby, there beautiful" Pam said as she placed them on the table next to the door before turning back to look at Colby. "Shall we get going?" Pam asked as she looked up at Colby.

"Err..... yeah, let's go" Colby said as he moved aside to let Pam walk out of her apartment. After locking her door Pam and Colby left to go on their date.

Arriving at the restaurant Colby had booked for them, the waiter walked them to their table and they sat down and looked at their menus trying to decide what to order. After a few minutes they both ordered two meals and drinks.

"Pam, I'm so happy you texted me last night, I really hope we can talk about this" Colby said reaching across the table to grab Pam's hand but she pulled it away from him.

"I was wasted last night when I texted you Colby but I figured I should at least give you a chance to explain" Pam said looking at Colby waiting for him to explain.

"Pam what I did, it didn't mean anything. I was stupid and I should never had sex with that girl but you have to believe me I only want you baby" Colby said flashing his irresistible smile that he knew made Pam melt.

"I don't know Colby, you hurt me and I thought you loved me" Pam said trying not to get upset.

"I do love you baby, only you I swear" Colby said but before Pam could say anything else the waiter had brought over their meals and drinks.

As they started to eat their meal Colby had looked up to look at Pam but instead of Pam he saw Fergal walk into the restaurant with Cathy Kelley.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Colby spat as he watched the waiter walk Fergal and Cathy to their table. As they sat down Fergal looked up and locked eyes with Colby, then Fergal realised Colby was there with Pam.

"Who's here?" Pam asked as she turned around and to look where Colby was looking and her eyes locked with Fergal's as she gasped in shock.

"He's following us, that good for nothing piece of shit" Colby said angrily as Pam still had her eyes locked on Fergal's.

"Who cares, let's just eat" Pam said getting irritated as she thought of what the fuck is Fergal playing at and why he was seeing Cathy all of a sudden.

After they had eaten their meal, Colby just wouldn't stop looking at Fergal and Cathy as they were eating their meal Colby then huffed and looking at Pam who was getting annoyed that Colby was too busy watching Fergal and his date instead for concentrating on her.

Just then soft music was heard playing and instead of asking Pam to dance Colby was too busy texting someone on his phone. Sighing Pam looked around and saw Fergal dancing with Cathy and she watched as Fergal leaned in and kissed Cathy right there on the dance floor as Cathy threw her arms around him deepening the kiss Pam's jaw dropped as she watched them in shock and for some odd reason she felt hurt and angry at that. She looked at Colby who had finally put his phone down.

"I'm sorry about that babe but Joseph and Jonathan were asking me for an opinion on something" Colby said as he again reached across and this time Pam let him grab her hand. They smiled at each other until someone came over to their table.

"Colby, what are you doing here and with.... her" a blonde female said as they come up to their table.

"What the fuck Colby?" Pam said in shock as she started to get angry and upset.

"Pam, I swear I don't know her" Colby said trying to cover his ass.

"Oh really, you don't know me if you don't know me Colby why did you fuck me last night?" the blonde yelled and everyone in the whole restaurant froze and turned to look at Pam, Colby and the blonde girl who was standing at their table.

"Are you kidding me, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING" Pam yelled getting up fro the chair as Colby stood up as well.

"Pam, please I can explain" Colby said as Pam grabbed her bag.

"SAVE IT COLBY, JUST SAVE IT! WE'RE THROUGH! I can't believe I thought you deserved another chance. FUCK YOU!" Pam yelled again as she grabbed her coat and walked out of the restaurant as Colby was left fuming.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I told you I don't want to be with you all you were was a good lay that's it" Colby said but as soon as the words left his mouth the blonde girl slap the taste out of his mouth before she too walked off leaving Colby standing there alone and pissed off.

A/N: There you have it the first of many chapters to come I hope you guys liked it, I was tempted to have Colby and Fergal have a  confrontation in the restaurant but I'll save it for a later chapter, these two need to have a major confrontation it really needs to happen but you'll have to wait for it, I promise it will be worth the wait! I'll try to update again soon. I've got 'From This Moment On' to update too so updates will be far apart but be patience and I'll try and update as soon as I can. Let me know what you guys think, I love reading your comments and Jordan please don't be mad, I hope you like it too! 

Alternative Scenes from 'Hard To Get' BookWhere stories live. Discover now