My Baby Girl!

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A/N: Well Jordan's pushed my fingers to write this and I'm sure she's loving it lol 😝 love you too Jordan 🤗 but you love pushing me! Okay so I'm writing this after Jordan's last chapter 'mummy and daddy' so this is what I see going on cos there are questions and well I'm going to try and answer them lol and there is DRAMA ohhhh I love a little bit of drama 😜 Anyway enjoy and happy reading, Jordan I hope enjoy it most of all 😋


Fergal had just finished doing a final live show and he was packing his things to go and see Brinley. Fergal had not stopped all week, he's been so busy. Being champ was great but the schedule was gruelling and now that he was done being champion for the day he wanted to be daddy now and he was looking forward to seeing his baby girl. He had missed her terribly, Fergal and Pam were still not on talking terms much and Fergal heard from the vineyard of WWE gossip that Pam was back with Colby. It hurt a lot, Fergal loves Pam but she wanted that scumbag that's her problem, Fergal made it his mission to just concentrate on his beautiful little baby girl who was the world to him. As Fergal was about to leave Chad walked in with an envelope in hand.

"Hey Fergal, you heading off?" Chad asked.

"Yep, I'm off to see my little girl. Did you need something?" Fergal asked zipping up his bag.

"Yeah, before you go I wanted to give you this" Chad said handing Fergal the envelope.

Unknown to Fergal and Chad, Mercedes happen to be walking past heading out to her car to catch up with the other girls she was traveling with and she saw Chad give Fergal an envelope which she assumed was money. Rolling her eyes in disgust at Fergal for taking it, Mercedes marched off pulling her phone out to tell Pam what she just saw.

"What's this Chad? It better not be money cos I don't want it I told before and I'll say it again, the bet is over and I don't want money okay" Fergal said getting upset at Chad.

"It's not money man, I just wanted to make it up to you for putting the bet on in the first place. It's 2 tickets to the game next week, maybe we can go like old times" Chad said patting Fergal on the shoulder.

"Oh wow man, that's nice of you. Look why don't you hold onto them because I might loose them and if I'm not busy we'll go if I am you can take Andrew okay" Fergal said appreciating the gesture.

"You're on!" Chad said too sweeting with Fergal.

"I've got to go, I don't want to keep my baby girl waiting, see you later" Fergal said grabbing his bag and walking out.

"See ya later bubba" Chad replied as Fergal walked out.


On the freeway Fergal was driving along checking the time. He was driving at the right speed not one to speed Fergal has always been a good driver. Pulling out his phone Fergal typed up a quick text to Pam to let her know he was on his way and that he'll be there in an hour, before he could send the text Fergal looked up and saw a car speeding into his lane dropping his phone Fergal tried to swerve out of the way but it was too late. The oncoming car smashed into Fergal's car sending it rolling down the road until it finally stopped on its roof.

Inside the car Fergal was upside down and bloody as he hung there no moving his phone laying next next to him with the text message to Pam still on the screen but not sent and his wallet flipped open from the impact a photo of Brinley tucked in had slipped out and Fergal's bloody fingers lingering above the photo as if reaching out to touch Brinley.

"Brinley!" Fergal whispered and all he could hear and see was sirens and flashing lights before he blacked out......

A/N: I know it's a short chapter but that is how I wanted it to go, I would've loved to make it longer as I love writing long chapters but this one is a short one. Anyways I hope you like it I'll try and update again the next one ASAP! Leave me feedback, I love your comments. Thanks guys 😊 

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