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Karl !!!! I didn't know when it slipped from my mouth


Karl is my ex we broke up three months ago but what the hell was he doing here

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Karl is my ex we broke up three months ago but what the hell was he doing here...looking at him just made me remember all he did to me.
Karl never cared after our relationship progressed;He changed. All he wanted was his selfish desires,he didn't ask
What I wanted
What I needed
I love him really do....
He was my first love
My first sex mate
And everything.
But now I feel disgusted seeing him after I caught him making out with a girl I barely talk to not only did I catch him doing dat but caught him watching our sex video with his friends it felt like the earth was about to crumble I felt Ashamed!! and Betrayed.
  Having my first time sex was something I would have kept private nd admire every scenario of it all but I expected less having the guy u are romantically attach with set u up nd take ur sex video without u knowing. I had to end it all, The madness!!!The fake love!!!and Empty devoutness....Now I think am stronger and have found my real self who I am nd how I want to be treated..
"Ella!!" Karl called making me snap out of my thought but I smirked wickedly to hid my face from possessing any feelings.
"Yes Karl" I answered"U seem to still remember the name of your *what tha fool ex gf* I feel touched" I said faking my emotions but it felt good hearing him call my name after we broke up.
"Ella I am.."Karl tries to say
I turned and walked inside trying to control my anger but turned to face him tho now his three step inside with me....
"What the hell are you doing here!!"
"What the hell do you want from me Karl!!" I said angrily pouring it all out
"I need you!!I need you back Ella" Karl said... I smirked wickedly then walked up to the door without saying anything..i opened the door more widely  "Out" I said to him with no emotions I swear down there wasn't.
He walked up to me and hugged for abut 20 seconds and at that moment I felt cherished but wouldn't let dat sway me I pushed him away and slapped him at the same tym God it felt good how i wanted to hit him.
"Out!!" I repeated
"Ella am sorry for...everything"Karl said (Can I say I believed that,he must be joking)
"Out Karl"I said again but now I pushed him out
"Am really sorr..."And I shut the door nd his words up...I couldn't hold back the tears but rested my back on the door nd shed tears....I thought I have moved on but seeing him now tells me I haven't.
After 1min I heard a knock on the door I quickly opened it saying at the say time.."U would sure get a hit from me Kar.."I was really surprised to see Mick whose full name is Mickaell.
I can't tell wat he was doing here oops maybe he came to gv me my owe share of the money I asked for earlier.
Mick sat on the long stool dat stood at the side of the middle large couch and I shut the door behind
"I bet u came here to gv me my share of the money right"I said standing five steps in front of him.
"It looks like u fought in here El"Mickaell said ignoring my question
I looked at him with anger I had enough for today and don't need any frustration.
"The money Mick or u leave"I said
Mick stood up and placed his hand on his shirt button and unbuttoned the first.
"What the hell are was he doing i thought to myself, feeling a little weird
I have always seen derrick,Lian and Mick wear their shirts or had with them their boxers but y does this feel strange
"Mick!!!" I called but he seems not to hear he took off his shirt and starts to walk up to me....And first tym in my life i knew Mickeall was dame muscular nd cute...(God wat are mine thinking)and when I realised my self Mick was one inch close to me...
He raised his hand to my face and I muttered his name...but he smiled and stuck my hair behind my ear." U look crazy El,go take a shower,and abut the money its right here with me"Mick said staring into my eyes. (God I almost melted) but I wouldn't let that get to me I pushed him away and stuck my hair behind my ears properly "Could u pls put dat on Mick"I said
"Y!!! U got a problem with it"Mick said like he doesn't know am not really comfortable.
"I have a little child in the house plsss" I tried to cover up I knew am being moved by his presence.
"Okay!!Okay!!"I will....but let me stay this way for some minute need some fresh air" Mick said
"Get dat outside Mick!!!"
"Okay then"Mick said standing up and heading to the door.
"U are unbelievable!!!" I said forgetting that Mick was good at taking up challenges.
"Fine,just for some minute" I said going in to take a shower I felt him smirk God knows wat his up to now
I got into the bathroom and looked at my naked body at the long and wide mirror that stood there as I recalled the sex video and Karl's visit....I shed more tears it hurts like crazy really hurts....
7:00Am in the morning
   I woke up preparing breakfast with some bacons, fried chicken and pudding. Mick slept here...actually I thought he was going to leave last night but he didn't... And here I am in the kitchen with Mick sitting over the dinning with a cigarette and a bottle of alcohol. Melisa was still sleeping yesterday might have been really stressful for her and it hurts me to see her that way....Today was Saturday and I have to stay home with Melisa this was wat I wanted a weekend with her.....
"Do u hv plans for today"Mick said I looked at him but faced wat I was cooking
"Nope,just stay home with Meli"I said confidently
"Y don't we go on a picnic" Mick said
I stopped turning my frying chicken and faced Mickeall
"Where are all this coming from? Just tell me y ur being so nice all of sudden,if u really want me to help u with something....that!!!is not gonna work" I said hoping he could say no
"Your acting weird El I just gave a suggestion,I thought u will like it" Mick said calmly.
"No I won't,You can't come into my house nd change my plans it won't work.....Mickeall"
He raises his hand
"Fine!!!fine!! U don't hv to be so angry" he smirked as he stood up
"Am going to take a shower"Mick said heading to the bathroom
"Don't dare!! If u invited urself here then u have to help urself with wat ever u want to do,dat includes getting water for ur bath Outside!!!"
Mick looked at her with surprise
"Are u se..riouse" He stammers
Yes...sssss"  I stammer too mimicking him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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