Hoseok Imagine: Guns and Love

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This was inspired from a writing prompt I saw from Pinterest. Credits to the owner of that writing prompt. *


“That’s the last one.” She said as she walked nearer to the dead body.

Saturday night in an alley. Nothing but the stench of beer and puke all over the place and one lamp seems to be at the end of the alley. It was a normal thing for her. It was a common contract that she made with her clients. They give her the money and she kills. The man she just shot was ordered to be killed by one of her favorite clients.

Although, she was never alone when she kills. She’s always beside her trusted partner but he doesn’t do much.

“I hate the sight of blood.” He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t kill for a living.” She laughed out as she took out the dead man’s wallet from his pocket and kept it in her purse.

“Hurry up, woman.” He laughed as he walked towards the car. “Oh, shut up. I thought you’re my partner, Hoseok.”

He chuckled, “I prefer being called as the ‘getaway driver’, hun.”

She rolled her eyes and threw the body inside the trunk. She slammed the door and got in.

“Let’s go.”

As Hoseok was driving, she called her client saying that it’s finished. They were going to the port, where they could throw the body to the sea.

“How come you’re like this?” Hoseok asked.


“Why do you like killing people for a living?”

She simply smirked and replied, “That’s because it’s fun and you get loads of cash when you kill just a person.”

“Do you even hesitate about it?”


She looked at Hoseok with love and smiled. “I wouldn’t hesitate to anyone unless they want me to kill you.” She gave a small peck at his cheeks and giggled.

Hoseok can’t help but blush at her crazy actions but heck, he’s falling for her.

“You’re crazy.” He laughed out. “Crazy for you, babe~” She booped his nose and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and laughed again.

“We’re here.” Hoseok happily said and turned the car engine off. She quickly went out of the car and opened the trunk.

“Help me throw his body, Hobi.” She grunted and finally got the body out of the trunk. “Sure.” He walked over to the arms of the body as she held the feet.

“Okay, here we go!” She shouted.

“One… Two… THREE!”

At the count of three, they both threw he body to the sea and jumped happily.

The sea breeze filled their lungs. The sound of waves hitting the walls of the port. They sighed after completing another successful mission.

“Let’s go and celebrate.” Hoseok smiled and grabbed her hand in his.

“We’re rich now, eh?” She smiled back.


She couldn’t help but smile at her successful kill.

Something started to spark that night, it was a start of something beautiful and chaotic.


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