Chapter 11:Discord's Story #3

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When the Devil is too busy
And Death's a bit too much
They call on me by name you see
For my special touch
To the gentlemen I'm Misfortune
To the ladies, I'm surprise
But call me by any name
Any way it's all the same

"How could I be so dull in the mind?! She was only curious. She meant nothing by her question. Why can't I just act like a reasonable creature?! AARRGGHH!!!" Discord raged about the forest. A chance to make friends with a sensible pony and he blew his chance to avoid being seen as arrogant, mean, and as a monster.

The spirit of chaos began crashing down trees and turning the snow beneath him into black ice. He made bushes turn a dreary green and streams turn red as wine. His blind temper turned the area around him topsy turvy, all the while the blizzard violently erupted overhead. The storm drowned out all other noise and trees bowed deeply at the might of the wind. If Celestia had thought that the impending storm was terrible then, she would be near to having a heart attack now.

Discord flew up to the top of a precipice and surveyed his capitol below. His lawless domain ran wild, rampant, and unrestrained and he felt a moment of grief. Cockatrice cawed desperately as they fled from their burning homes, manticore stampeded in blind fear, and distant screams caught hold on the threshold of Discord's hearing. He realized that Celestia and Luna were still in there. He collapsed down onto the ground and cursed himself for what he was doing.
He focused intently and slowly the fires died, the manticore ceased their running, and the cockatrice ended their frantic frenzy. Only once before had he let himself go like that. Only once before had he regretted so much.

"I am a monster. I do not deserve to have friends. I just wish for once that I could make a friend and refuse myself from jesting or overreacting." Discord remained where he laid and recalled the last time he had such an outburst. In years long gone past, his kind roamed the land abundantly. It was a time of perpetual turmoil, and the draconequus flourished.
As the myth goes, Discord was told to remain on this world while the rest of his family left off into the sky. You may not know this, but the spirit of chaos is a necessary part to the natural balance. There cannot be light without dark, good without evil, and order without disorder. Discord needed to remain so that Equestria could eventually be formed and the happy ponies could live peacefully. Discord's family knew the value of this balance, but they never told him when they left him at a young age.

Discord quietly wept. "I miss my family. I wish that they were still here for me." The vicious storm subsided to a quiet roar. Out there somewhere was Luna and she must certainly be hurt. Discord stood up tall. "Enough of my sulking. I need to go and find Luna to apologize. I must make things right; no longer shall I be this monster that the world sees."
He swiftly flew off in the direction where he heard the faint screams. He was determined to make amends and hopefully make a permanent friend.

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