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It's a strange place, no? I wrung happiness and not a single drop of pleasure dripped, I squeezed sadness and my heart became golden with peace. It is a strange place.

"Continue on this path and you'll see, soon, nothing will come out of sadness or happiness."

But I have done that before, haven't I?I have been to the Not-feeling-anything place, I've been there !

"The place you have been to is the cold, mechanical and apparently logical "apathy", young man! People spend their whole lives in there."

What is my destination then?

"Serenity, for now, its warm and comforting, go there. You will retain the ability to feel things yet your heart will always be tranquil. You will develop the strength to be able to choose not to feel and act wisely."

Why is my journey so tiring?

"It's the fire that purifies gold. Potential is of no use unless put to test. Go through trials, come out more peaceful and brighter than before."

What will I become then, once I reach serenity?

"You will become what the poets call breeze, the Buddhists call monk and the Muslims call sufi."

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