52) The Most

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(Johnny pov)
I'm at home hanging with Matt, Gracie, Carson, Jordyn, Hayden, my sister Lauren, Annie, Jacob & Millie.

"So, What should we do?"

"Oh, I Know!" I said before whispering my idea to Carson, Hayden & Jacob.

"Okay. Let's play Truth-Or-Dare?" Carson suggested as everybody said things to agree.

"Okay. I go first, Matt, Truth or dare." Carson asked Matt.

"Uh....Truth?" He answered, obiviously confused.

"Between Gracie & Kate, Which girl do you most likely love hanging out with?"

"Gracie, Of course." He answered, smiling at her.

"Alright, My turn. Johnny, truth or dare?"

"Um, I dare you to senerade Kenzie with your song The Most." He dared as i gave him a 'are you being serious right now?'

He nodded 'yes' so i walked up to Mackenzie & started singing my song 'The Most'.

As i'm singing the words to her, I took Kenzie by hand and swirl her around a bit like a ballerina.

Then i dance in front of her til Matt, Carson, Hayden & Jacob joined me.

While we were dancing like we're a boyband or something, I reached for Kenzie's hand and hold her close to me.

Once i did the dare, We all sat down.

"You know what. You two needs to date already." Carson exclaim as the others nodded agreeing.

"True. So, Kenzie, What do you think of Johnny's performance?" Matt asked.

"It was really good. And also flattering." Kenzie told me.

"Well, My turn! Matt, Truth or dare?" Jacob says.

"Ah, Dare!" Matt answered.

"I dare you say your thoughts out loud to Gracie." Jacob replies.

"I hate you guys." Matt said.

"Yea, We know. And, Now, Do the dare alreadly." Hayden told Matt.

"Fine. Out of all my lady friend I've been pretty close with, It has to be Gracie and Katie especially Gracie. I mean, I always liked having her around and it's been crystal clear that I like-like her." Matthew dared, saying his thoughts.

"Awwwwwww." Gracie says, giving Matt a kiss.

"Okay. Hayden, Truth or dare?" Jacob said.

"Truth." He replies.

"Is it true you find people shipping you & Lauren weird?"

"Actually, I think it's kinda cute that people thinks we're dating. I mean, She's like my favorite ladyfriend to have around, i'd admit our shipname sounds a bit weird, but i don't think shipping us together is weird." Hayden confessed.

We continued playing 'Truth-Or-Dare' til we watched a movie.

Then everybody said their goodbyes and went home.

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