Chapter 2

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The limo pulled up behind a long line of other vehicles. Harry was trying to fix Louis’ hair but it was a lost cause, the disheveled mess at the back of his head was there to stay.

“Guys! Guys! Justin’s here today!” Niall says excitedly looking out the window. We all turn our attention in the direction he was facing. Haha we were all facing in one direction. No? Okay.

Sure enough we spot Justin with his little entourage. Well, it’s not exactly little.

“Do you think he remembers me? Well wait, I’m sure he does but will he talk to me?”

“Niall mate! Calm down!” Liam tries to soothe.

What’s the big deal? Isn’t it a little weird freaking out over someone our age? Maybe that’s a good thing about Niall, he only cares about the music and the person behind it, no matter age or things like that.

We all got out of the van and I was almost blinded from the flashes of the photography. I’ve been in dark rooms or sleeping for the last few weeks and it takes a lot to resist the urge of covering my face and crawling back into the car. As always I don’t let it faze me and I smile right through. I think Harry was snickering beside me because he could probably hear my groans of defiance towards this.

We made our way towards the red carpet to go through the line into the auditorium. Justin was ahead of us and I watched as he obnoxiously posed for pictures. He pulled his sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose and looked around for everyone to get a good picture. Can’t he just smile and pose like he used to? Nothing against him he seems like a great guy but there is a lot of noticeable changes with him.

I mean, we’ve never had the chance to hang out, it was always at award shows or premieres that we would cross paths.

Soon it was our turn for the pictures. We know the routine by now, don’t put your arm around each other, don’t touch each other the wrong way; basically don’t do anything that people can turn into something it’s not.

And of course Louis and Harry have their own set of rules. No standing or sitting beside each other. Our management thinks that if word got out that Louis and Harry are together then our sales will drop and fans will leave us. What they don’t seem to realize is that our fans will go to the death fighting for us.

I always felt bad holding Perrie’s hand or kissing her while in public because that’s something they’ve never been able to do. So I normally kept the PDAs to a minimum. One of the reasons we split was because she thought I didn’t love her enough. She said she was going to find someone who won’t be ashamed of her. I wasn’t ashamed, I mean how could you be ashamed of her, I was just considerate towards others.

One of the women who worked with the event was soon ushering us to our table. It was just the five of us along with Ben Winston and a couple of our managers who haven’t arrived yet.

It was a very modern setting, there were big round tables that looked to sit about ten people. There crowds in the stadium seats looking out to the show. The stage was diverse and came with, what I counted, four platforms all connected to the main stage. There were several podiums set up and some workers busy working with last minute fixes. We all sat down and Niall reached for the bottle of wine in the ice bucket placed at the middle of the table.

“I think that’s for later man.” A voice laughs from behind me. I turn around to notice Justin Bieber sitting at the table behind me. He had a smile on his face in amusement as he looked at Niall.

Niall hadn’t bothered to turn around so his reply came smooth and witty as he would’ve spoken to any of us lads. “Anytime is a time for drinks.”

Justin looked over to me seeing that I was the only one to notice him. He holds a gaze with me before he turns back to join the conversation at his own table filled with his so called friends.

I try to slowly move my chair closer to Niall’s as I whisper, “Niall, you know you just talked to Justin right?”

The glass he was holding slipped from his hands and it lands with a crash to draw the attention of nearby tables. I think a lot of people turned to see the commotion but I was already on the ground helping Niall with a handful of napkins.

“Oh get up, we can’t have those nice suits ruined.” An employee says as he walks next to us with a rolling bucket and mop. “Don’t worry it happens all the time.”

Niall’s face is as white as a ghost but I don’t think it’s from embarrassment of dropping the wine glass.

“Little too much already?” this time Niall turns to notice Justin snickering amongst his buddies.

“I uh- I no.” Niall stutters out.

“Hey why don’t you speak up and stop with the st-st-stuttering?” all his friends burst with laughter and Justin looks back to them with a sly smile plastered on his face.

Niall returns to his seat without a comment, that’s unlike Niall. The one time I want him to say a smartass comment he cowers back, every other time he speaks as if it’s a second language.

He slumps back in his chair as he stares at the empty wine glass in front of him that the man working here must’ve replaced.

“Niall mate, don’t worry about that asshole.” I put a hand on his shoulder.

“What’s there to worry about?” he laughs. “I’m clumsy, what can I say?”

The others join in and laugh along but I don’t because it wasn’t funny. Justin was being a jerk.

“Zayn.” Louis whispers from my left. If he’s gonna yell at me for not laughing at that pathetic excuse for a joke he’s mistaken to think I’ll apologize. It’s not Niall’s fault! Justin must know how big of a fan Niall is, I mean everyone talks about how cute it is. He was purposely making Niall uncomfortable! How could you do that to someone? How could you just be so mean to someone you’ve never met?

“Zayn is Little Mix supposed to be here tonight?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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