Can't Sleep

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Rachel can't sleep without something. What is that something and why can't she sleep without it ?? Read to find out.

Finchel set in season 3. AU ish.

Rachel rolled over for what felt like thousandth time that night. She couldn't sleep; her bed felt too small. It was missing a certain 6'3 whiskey eyed, messy haired, giant teddy bear of a boyfriend.

This wouldn't have happened three weeks ago. Before she knew what is was like to have Finn in her bed all night long.

For the past three weeks while her fathers were away on a business trip slash mini holiday. Finn had managed to sneak out of his house on weeknight's, spend the night with her.

Then be back at his house before his mom noticed he was gone. And on weekend's he had told his mom that he was sleeping over at either Puck's or Sam's place. So they were able to spend the entire weekend together.

Her fathers had come home that morning. So now here she was not able to sleep. After having been spoiled by having Finn holding her all night long.

I can't wait till the year is over so me and Finn will be in New York. In our own place with Kurt and will be able to sleep together every night. Rachel thought as she tried again to get comfortable enough to get to sleep.

Last week Finn had found out that he had got into NYU on a half Football scholarship and half a music one. Which he was going to use to become a music teacher.

Rachel's eyes have been shut for just over five minutes when she heard a tap on the window followed by her name. In what sounded like Finn's voice.

She slowly got up and when over to the window. She let out a small gasp at the site of her handsome boyfriend hanging on the drain pipe looking into her room. Hurrying to the window she opened and helped Finn inside.

Once Finn was safely inside he smashed his lips down on Rachel's. They pulled apart once the need for air become to great.

"What are you doing here Finn ?" Rachel asked once her breathing come back to normal.

"Well I guess that I can't sleep without you in my arms anymore. So here I am. And by the looks of things you can't sleep without me ether." Coming closer as he spoke Finn then wrapped his arms around her middle.

"Yeah, I can't seem to get sleep without my giant teddy bear."

"So what do you say we get some sleep then."

"Sounds good"

Finn then picked Rachel up bridal style and carried her over to the bed. After disposing her on the bed he got in after her. He quickly set an alarm on his phone so he could get home before Rachel's Father woke up and placed on the bedside table.

Finn pull the blankets up over the both of them; then wrapped his arms around Rachel, pulling her into his strong chest.

"Is that better ?" Finn asks a few minutes later.

"So..." A sleepy yawn cut her off. "Much"

"Goodnight baby. I love you so much."

"I love you to Finn, more that you'd ever know. Goodnight."

Finn watched Rachel until her breathing evened out and he know she was a sleep. That's when he finely let his eyes fall closed.

Thank you for reading and please review.

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