Sometimes Surprises are the Best

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Chapter 14-

When the sun finally set, and the party finally began, the lights were plugged in. I always loved this part of the night, not only because of the sunset, but because when it's night time the lights are so beautiful. The lights made it seem like it was still day time, but if you were on the roof of one of the stores or boarding houses a couple blocks down, you could still see the stars with the lights on. Not only did the lights start the party, but so did the music. We always had Mr. Valentine (Mrs. Victoria's husband. Victoria is her first name) play music from his music shop. I mean, it's obvious. But, he always let the kids choose the music. The night had just begun, I was taking Gwen and Owen all around the neighborhood introducing them to the neighbors. Telling them the history of the block and showing where the best pranking spots were. We had a blast seeing each other again. It was nice to have other people to stick with besides my usual people. My family loved them as well. My dad was asking about the camp and if they had fun. When the camp questions were over, we went and joined my friends once again.

"Hey Clove, do you know if the new neighbors are coming?" Sokka asked when we rejoined them.

"Uhm- I told the mom, Stephanie, about it. But she didn't say if she was going to come out or not."

"Hmm. Maybe we should go get them?"

"Nah. Let them be. They just moved in."

We all went into the street and joined the people dancing. This is what I missed at camp. Being with my family, and friends and just having a great time. Whether I believed Austin was sorry or not, I gave him the benefit of the doubt for tonight. We started talking again, and he was asking Gwen and Owen a bunch of questions about how I acted at camp. I elbowed him in the side and the questions stopped. We enjoyed the time we had left of Gwen and Owen being there. Towards ten o'clock, we brought Owen and Gwen to our favorite viewing spot. It's on top of the Hugh's boarding house. You can see everything from there. The party, the stars, the school, everything. It was beautiful.

"This reminds me of camp. How about you guys?" Owen asked, taking in the view.

"Yeah, I guess it does." Gwen responded. They both looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I thought about it for a couple minutes, then answered. "Now that you mention it, it kind of does."

As we were taking in the view, someone came to the top. I assumed it was Mr. Hugh, because he comes up when we're up there sometimes. But when I turned around, I was face to face with a younger looking boy. At least, younger than Mr. Hugh, this boy was about nineteen maybe twenty. When he saw us, he came over.

"What's this? A gang?" He asked walking over to us.

"No. Just some kids enjoying the view. Who are you?" I asked

"A new neighbor. I'm in that house right over there." He pointed to the house that Stephaine lives in.

"Oh. Are you one of Stephanie's sons?" I asked. He looked me up and down, then walked back down the stairs and left.

We shrugged it off, and went back to looking at the party. Mr. Greene saw us and waved for us to come back down. It was getting late, which meant it was time for the lanterns. We explained to Owen and Gwen how they worked.

"We each get a lantern, write a note tie it to a string, take it home with us to decorate it, then let it go the next day at the end of that block party." I explained

We wrote our notes and gave them back to Mr. Greene to hold until we went home. We went back to dancing and gossiping in the street. Around 12:30 Stephanie came out. She found me in the crowd and walked up to me.

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