Chapter 13: The Burning Sky

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21:00 GMT+1

Chapman and Curtis had happily agreed to share the two-seater Eurofighter. They had recently flown together several times and felt most comfortable in the same aircraft. Takeda and Preston would pilot the other two aeroplanes individually. The Americans had been allocated the call signs Diablo 5-3, 5-2 and 5-1 respectively. They were now on the main runway, ready to take off with the rest of the 'Diablos de Hispania' Squadron. Thirty-eight Eurofighters were about to take to the skies, including the Diablos and the support squadron, the Tartessians. Many more jets were on the way, but the Diablos and the Tartessians were the two squadrons closest to Seville. Their mission was clear: they had to gain some time before aerial and ground reinforcements arrived. The pilots were ready to give it their all. Unfortunately, several key squadron members, including David Aguilar, were missing; they had been trapped in Seville when the attack had started. However, Commander Aguilera and Captain Enrique Esteve were on-hand to lead the two combat squadrons.

The aeroplanes took off in groups of three and began to circle Morón Air Base while they waited for the rest of the pilots to join them in the sky. As soon as they were ready, they split into three groups. The Diablos Squadron formed one group of fifteen planes, while the Tartessians divided into two groups of eight and fifteen units.

"Diablos Squadron Leader here. Beginning our approach on Seville. Morón Command, awaiting orders," Aguilera said.

The Eurofighter Typhoons ascended westwards at top speed. There was no time to lose. Seville was burning. The pilots heard their radios broadcast a series of announcements.

"Morón Command. General Echevarría speaking. Ladies and gentlemen, this may be our toughest mission yet. You'll have to be equally resilient. This is a fight to defend our sovereignty and to save our families from a merciless enemy whose sole aim is to destroy our homes. I know you'll fight bravely. Good luck. Come home safe and sound," the pilots heard over the radio.

"Diablo and Tartessians units, this is Colonel Hidalgo speaking. We're about to launch a counter-attack on 2012 UA. As you know, we've already lost two F-18s. Intelligence is analysing their recordings so we don't make the same mistakes. We know that the target is protected by some sort of force field but we believe a saturation attack could weaken it. We've got the support of an AWACS: call sign, Sparrowhawk 1. So far, it's reported that the targets don't show up clearly on radar so you'll have to use heat-seeking missiles. Your orders are to destroy 2012 UA and all the smaller spacecraft. Tartessians Squadron will lead with a first group. Its target will be 2012 UA. Remember to break formation after launching your missiles to avoid any defensive fire. The second Tartessians group should concentrate on the smaller aircraft. Diablos Squadron, hold back and join in wherever necessary, as Commander Aguilera sees fit. Good luck, everyone. Morón out."

"Diablos Squadron Leader here. OK pilots, you heard the orders. Afterburners on... Let's go hunting," Aguilera gave the order, then switched to a private channel to talk to Preston. "Preston, you and your boys bring up the rear until fresh orders come in, understand?"

"Copy. But we're not going to hang back if things go south," Preston replied.

"As I figured. I hope the first few minutes of combat are enough for you to analyse the situation and figure out whether or not we stand a chance," Aguilera said, gravely.

"Agreed. I sure hope we can avoid any unnecessary casualties."

"Something tells me that's not going to happen... Anyway, remind your boys to hold back. I'm not losing them before their time."


It was truly remarkable to see so many fighter jets flying together in perfect formation. Preston glanced to his right. He could see Takeda in the cockpit of his plane. Chapman and Curtis were on his left. Chapman looked back at him and waved and gave him a thumbs up.

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