Chapter 1

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Annie this is your new friend Hayden. - Katie
Hey nice to mete you Hayden. - Annie
Nice to mete you to. - Hayden


~Annie and Hayden are best friends.~

~At text with Annie and Hayden.~

Hey Anns...
Hey what's wrong?

I have to tell you something...
We... Go move...
Bc I go to college in LA...

Wait you have the results for college?

You not?

Oh so... Your results you can see seven weeks after then I move...
Yeah... I go tell my mom that we have dinner with you and your family tonight that we can say goodbye...

OK I will tell my parents.

OK see ya later bye!...

~Text ends~

~Annie tell her parents and Hayden do same.~

Summerall's are here Annie! - Katie

~Annie goes dawnstrairs.~
~Annie and Hayden hug.~

Hayden... - Annie
Ik Annie... - Hayden

~Annie starta crying.~

Annie plzz... You my best friend... I can't wach you crying... - Hayden

~Annie stop.~

OK... - Annie
Dinner is ready! Guys come here! - Katie

~Annie and Hayden come at kitchen. They eat. Dinner is end and they go say goodbye to Summerall's. They say goodbye. Annie and Hayden go in her room. They hug for 10 minutes.~

Annie I... - Hayden
Hayden it's OK... That Why are you move is for college... An-

~Hayden kiss Annie. Annie kiss Hayden back but they don't let go. They kiss 5 minutes. Then they stop.~

Why are we?... - Annie
Cuze I love you Annie... First day that I meet you I have feelings for you... - Hayden
Realy? - Annie
Yeah... - Hayden

~Annie hug Hayden.~

It's OK Hayden I have feelings for you too... - Annie
So... Do you thing that... We are something?... - Hayden
Um... Id-
Hayden we have to go come dawn! - Jimmy

~Annie and Hayden come dawn. Hayden and his family leave.~

~2 years later.(Annie and Hayden text each other all the time.) Annie have results for college but her teacher tell her that the same college Marryland have.~

~Annie wake up. She take her phone.~


But Hayden can't be here...

~Someone knok on the door.~

Come in.
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Annie! Happy birthday to you! - her family
Thx but you do not have to sing to me I'm 17 now.
Ok. - her family

~They talk and talk. Then they leave. Annie go in bathroom to change her close. She hear her phone. She go to her room and see that Hayden calling.~

Thx - Annie
I can't be live you're 17 now! - Hayden
Ik I have 17 same as you! - Annie
Yeah! - Hayden
So... How is life?

~They talk for one hours. Then Annie have to go. Same as Hayden.~

Annie I have great news for you! - Hayley
What? - Annie
Paige, Connor and Jayden come to your birthday! - Hayley
OMG! YAY! Thx Hay Hay for telling me. - Annie

~Annie and Hayley hug.~

HAPPY bday Anns! Ily! - Hayley
Ily too! - Annie

~Hayley leave. They go to the airport waiting for Paige, Connor and Jayden. No one say Annie that Hayden come too.~

~Paige come first.~

PAGE! - Annie
ANNIE! - Paige

~They hug.~


miss you! - Annie

I miss you too! - Paige

~Jayden and Connor come.~

ANNIE! - Jayden and Connor

~Annie hug Jayden first. Then she hug Connor.~

Guys I miss you! - Annie
We miss you too! - Jayden and Connor
Hayden comes to your bday? - Connor
No... I'm sorry Connor... - Annie
It's OK. - Connor

~Paige, Jayden and Connor know that Hayden coming too.~

~Then Hayden coms.~

ANNIE! - Hayden
WHAT?! HAYDEN?! OMG! - Annie

~Annie run to him and hug him. They hug for 30 minutes.~


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Hayden... I miss you... I can't belive that you back... - Annie
I miss you too... - Hayden

~Annie starts crying.~

Annie... I can't belive that I make you cry... - Hayden
I crying bc you back after 2 years... - Annie

~They hug again.~

Annie I have great news! - Katie
What? - Annie
You can go to same college as Hayden! - Katie
What?! Realy?! Ty! - Annie

~They go to LeBlanc's house for Annie's birthday.~

Hi guys hope you love chapter 1 of this story! I hope that next part will be better! And plzz not hate me this is my first story and Ik it's realy short! Ily guys!

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