What's Rummy?

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A game.

A game I very much dislike.

Day 2

Nothing very interesting happens, today. Iwaizumi would always talk to the nurse or Daichi and I would just finish my meal quietly. Every once in awhile giving my input. I sat quietly at the table in the hallway and read my manga after Dinner. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Iwaizumi staring at me. I can feel his eyes examining me. Finally, he sits at the chair across from me and starts shuffling some cards that were on the table.

"Oikawa, right?" He asks me. I nod my head but keep my eyes down in my book. The butterflies in my stomach are too much for me to look up. He sits back while still shuffling and moves his eyes down to the cards. "Do you know how to play Rumy?" I shake my head no. Daichi during lunch said he would teach me. "Care to learn?" I hesitate. I'm so awkward how would I be able to do this. I don't know him. I just want to isolate but I know that's not good for me.

"Sure," I mumble and put my book in my lap. He explains the rules very simply { I linked a video on how to play above}. The more we play the more I understand how to do it. He wins by a lot every time but I didn't care (I ended with negative points). It was fun. "Damn I'm terrible at this," I joked. "Let me shuffle," I take the deck and raise an eyebrow at him.

"What? You think I'm cheating?"

"Well," I motion to the desk and his piece of paper with our points on it. I'm down by over 100. "It's the only explanation."

"Or I could just be better than you," I grimace to show I'm pretty sure that's not the reason and deal the cards. After a few turns I get all the aces.

"HA I GOT ACES," I brag once I put them down. He rolls his eyes and puts down 3 kings next to his 4 queens he previously put down. "Eff you." He lets a small smile shine through his stern face.

Day 3

"Tomorrow I get real clothes! Definitely not going to miss this." I celebrate with my parents. "And I get my phone!"

"What about school?" My dad asks.

"Tomorrow is Saturday... they don't come in on weekends," I shrug and start telling my parents what clothes I want them to bring in. I brought a few but not enough.

"Okay. We'll try our best, honey." She gently caresses my face with some tears in her eyes. She inhaled sharply to provably put herself back together. "So... on the phone yesterday you said something about someone else in the program with you..?" My mom asks clearly to try to change the subject. I can call my family anytime I want on the hospital phone. Yesterday, they called to say goodnight and I told them about meeting Iwaizumi.

"Yeah! His name is Iwaizumi," I think for a moment about what to say about him. "He seems nice. He's good at cards. He taught me how to play Rumy."

"Wh-What does he look like?" My dad asks trying to see out my room door. I guess he thinks that someone out there might be him.

"He's average height, black hair, brown eyes. Strong RBF, looks like he's ready to punch someone..... so yeah that's about it from what I've observed so far. He's probably out there talking to the nurses right now actually," I motion to the nurses station. My mom gets up from her seat to try to sneakily peak at the nurses station to see him.

"Is that him?" My mom points slightly and I go to stand next to her to see.

"Yeah that's him," I sit back down on my bed.

"He's cute," my mom smiles and nudges me.

"I mean... I guess..." I divert my attention elsewhere. He's cute... yeah... but definitely not my type.

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