I Will Always Protect You

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The original chapter before editing. Unedited original)


She taps her fingers on the window pane as she looks out the window. My insides feel like they're crawling which is impossible since I'm undead, but I've been standing at the doorway for a while now. It's weird. The human girl sighs, and picks up her broom again. I pull back out the door way as she continues cleaning again. It's early morning, I ought to walk in, dismiss her of her morning work, but then what? 'and you told her you loved her' I remind myself. I bite my lip, tearing the skin with my fangs. 'She did say she loved you too' I remember. I let out a sigh, a stupid habit, and back away. I bump right into someone.
"Hmm" they reply. I hold back a groan. My sister spins my around.
"You going in lover boy?" she asks. I glare at her.
"Well?" she asks with a raise of her eyebrow. I raise my thumb to my two front teeth, and bite my thumb at her. She frowns at this, and shakes her head.
"You are so terrible brother dear" she comments. I fling away half a second before she reacts, but she manages to push me in the doorway.
"William?" Rosella calls. I inhale deeply, the scent of sweet smelling, bitter tasting blood reaches my nose.
"What are you up to, is Violet there?" she asks.
"Why would you think that?" I ask curiously. the corners of her lips curl up a little. I frown a little at her silence when she steps forward putting less distance between us.
"You look a bit more irritated that usual" she admits shyly.
"I'm not irritated, nor do I have an 'irritated' look" I disagree monotonously.
"Lighten up, otherwise you'll have that look permanently painted on your face" she continues scolding me. It surprises me a little, the way she talks. Rosella speaks freely around around me; her fears of me caged.
"I don't have an irritated 'look' "I continue to argue back.
"It would really be a shame if the look became permanent" Rosella blurts out. Her face goes red immediately. I stare blankly for a moment before I understand. I boldly step forward which makes her heart rate go up. My leg starts to go back, but I remind myself and hope she's not afraid.
"You think my face is attractive don't you now?" I suggest. Rosella presses her lips into a thin line, and simply blinks innocently. I feel mischief rise up in me, and it makes the corners of my mouth twitch upwards.
"You do, admit it" I say to her.
"I don't have to admit anything" Rosella retorts stubbornly.
"Your being stubborn" I comment.
"Does an argument entertain you?" she replies knowingly.
"Hmm, depends on the person I'm debating with" I reply.
"Because you enjoy arguing and mischief naughty vampire" Rosella shoots back jokingly.
"Mischief and being naughty is a troll Rosella" I argue back.
"Then your a troll-vampire" she says quickly.
"So you think I'm a mischievous naught troll-vampire?" I question her.
"Only the most" she says quickly, her voice rising.
"Pssh, well if you think I'm naughty, I could be really naughty" I reply back just as fast when a sense of dread fills my guy. 'What the hell did I just say?' I question myself. Rosella smirks a little, and then starts to laugh. I turn away from her, and cross my arms. 'Ugh, I just said I could be really naughty... egh. That really does not sound right' I mentally yell at myself. I feel her small hand on my arm.
"Lighten up a little" she repeats herself. I look back over shoulder at her. She wears something between an apologetic grin and a sarcastic smile. I move in humanly making her gasp when I'm suddenly behind her, and pull her close.
"God I hate you" I whisper in her here. She puts her hand back in my arm.
"I hate you too" she say softly. I start to pull her backwards, and I finally just pick her up. Her breath is caught as I fall back onto the sofa. There's a flowery scent on her skin that makes my senses perk up. She must have been in the garden earlier because the smell of flowers still lingers on her skin.

There is a knock knock coming from the doorway. I look up to see Violet in the doorway. The corners of my lips go up into a snarl as I bare my fangs. Rosella's eyes snap open, and she laughs a little.
"Quite being so mean" she whispers softly.
"Your welcome William" Violet says before walking off.
"What does se mean?" Rosella asks me.
"Nothing" I lie, thinking to when I almost backed out the room completely and I bumped into her. I pick Rosella up.
"Come on, let's go somewhere" I suggest to her. She nods her head, and I zip out the door, across the yard, and I take a leap at the trees. Through the jump Rosella tights her grip in my shirt. I hold her tight as my feet hit the top of a wide tree branch.
"You scared?" I ask sarcastically.
"Not of you" Rosella states softly. I flash a smile, and jump to another tree branch, and so on the further we go the thicker the tree branches. I jump higher into the thickness of the branches sending a rain of green down below. I set Rosella down, and she takes a few cautious steps out on the branch as she takes the forests in. Something snorts down below startling, and she takes a step backwards. I peer down below at a large brown mass if muscle and fat moving along the ground. Rosella steps back until her she's right next to me again.
"It wouldn't attack us would it? I mean it could climb up her here, and-" she starts to ask, her knees shaking. I jump down to a lower branch not far away from it. It snorts, looks up at me, am starts to let out a barking moan at me. I feel my vision focus in on it, and the sound of it's its low thumping heart beat reaches my ear. I'm tempted to launch forward at it, but Rosella doesn't need to see that. I bare my fangs at it, and hiss. The near recoils, I hiss again, and it scampers off. There's a heavy thud beside me. I see that Rosella jumped from the tree branch above.
"Are you alight?" I ask her.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" she replies. I stand up, still watching the bear scamper off. It remains with in my sight, and it remains watching us closely. Rosella takes hold of my arm, and let's out a sigh of contentment. I feel my body relax a little. I start to move to hold her when the leaves rustle. My head snaps in the sounds direction, but I see nothing.
"William" Rosella says my name with a tone thick in urgency and panic. She pulls away from me, but when I whirl around she is gone.
"Rosella?" I call for her. My stomach twists at the silence. She's gone. She's fucking gone! What the hell! I inhale deeply, and to help my anxiety her scent is fading. I take off in her faint scent trails direction. Judging how far she is away in seconds some one has taken her. My fangs extend not from hunger, but in blood lust. A small group ahead of my path jump down to the ground. I make a massive leap jumping over two branches at a time making them sway and creak noticeably. They look up just as I land on the branch above them. I spot Rosella with one if their cold filthy hands over her mouth. An inhuman snarl tears from my throat. I start to launch myself forward when a pair of arms grab both my my own arms. They hold me back as I writhe around and hiss in fury.
"Let her go you incompetent fools!" I hiss at them, demanding obedience. There's two holding me, and four of them have Rosella. I feel a pit feeling in my stomach. Something between hunger and desperation.
"She's just a human" one of them says, provoking laughter among them. He holds her with her back to him, trailing his fangs across her soft, frail neck. Her eyes go wide. I fall to my knees on the branch. My arms are pulled back further close to breaking point.
"This is an act of treachery to the kingdom" I give a low hiss.
"Yes, and so is bringing a human into the ranks of royalty" one of them snorts, "filth" he spits at her.
"She's mine" I blurt out another threatening hiss. They don't even look at me, they look at her. Tugging on her dress, trailing their fangs on her skin, and whispering soft hisses. It's some sick erotic form of torture they take into pleasure.
"William" she whispers. My chest feels like it's constricting when there's a popping sound from my right shoulder. It encourages them to pull more, and they laugh at this. I barely feel it though, I am suffocating inside, yet I don't need to breath. I am dying inside, yet I am mostly unharmed. It's tight, constricting, suffocating, and-

Flesh squelches, bright red blood sprays, and Rosella cries out. I lurch forward unable to rush to her. The smell of sweet blood meets my nose. My neck arches up as I struggle. A roar escapes my lips and fangs. My chest burns inside. Release.
"Shit" the vampire the left breaths. Release. I suddenly pull back out of my frantic attempt to lunge forward, and they pull me back further dangerously close. I crane my neck to the left, and my fangs dog into flesh. Release. His partner pulls me back in desperation. I whirl around with vampiric speed, and lunge. I miss, and land on all fours on the tree branch. I leap down at Rosella's attackers, but they dodge with her. The nearest one is behind me, so I whirl around as he pushes me back against a tree. The back of my head slams into the tree with a loud thud. Everything goes blank for a few moments. Hear into shoulder awakens me, and a cry lifts into the air. I realize a half second later it comes from me. I reach up, and force his head back away from my shoulder. His hands meet mine, and before I realize what he's doing I realize he's trying to stop me. There's a sick cracking sound, and his arms drop limp, and I drop his twisted off head aside. The other vampires stare with wide eyes, fangs poking out from their upper lips.

I see them around Rosella, their fangs in her as they flee from the area. I charge after them. They jump into the trees, and take a massive leap backwards. I come to a sliding halt when my chest is pushed up against a tree. I flail wildly, but two guys on one- Release. I pull my elbow back, and there's a loud cracking sound.
"Aw-my nose!" one yells. I manage I whirl around on one, and I lunge at him. I take him to the ground. He snaps his fangs at me defensively. I strike his neck with vampiric speed. My hand goes all the way to the ground, and a gurgling sound escapes his mouth. Through clench teeth I hiss at him, and repeatedly slam my fist into his chest. Release. Bones and flesh crack and bend under each impact. I'm pulled backwards off of him, and a pair of fangs dig and pull at my throat. Two more pairs of fangs pierce my flesh. They pin me down to the ground. Somewhere in the haze my fangs find flesh, and I tearing into another fleshy neck. I stare into empty eyes, and drop a second head. I'm pushed to the ground, and I grab onto an ankle. His feet kick the air dangerously close to my face. I pull him to me, and take a bite out his side. Hot, fresh blood hits my tongue. For a second it reminds me of killing for survival, killing so it won't starve. Then I realize the fresh blood running through him is Rosella, and my fist hits his body. His cries escape into the woods, but there is no one to save him.
"William" my name flickers in my ears. I pull away. The body I'd beaten and bitten has long since stopped moving. I look up and see her. She gasps as I fly into her arms. My mind registers my little "fit" I would call it.
"I'm sorry" she whispers.
"What do you have to be sorry for?" I whisper into her ear. My voice is soft and weak, but hearing myself means I'm awake again. My body shudders in her arms. 'I'm awake because of her' I note. 'She didn't need this though' I think in reference to the scattered bodies. Torn, beaten, and decapitated.
"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry I made you do that" she whispers.
"I-I need you" I blurt out quickly. I hold her tighter. The image of them, the other vampires threatening her burns in my head. Over her shoulder I stare at a body with a neck I tore out. 'They could have-' a dark thought creeps into my mind. Rosella's body shakes a little in my arms. She sniffles, and I feel something wet roll down my shoulder she hides her face in. Anger bubbles up within me. I realize something.
"Will they come back, I'm sure there are more?" Rosella asks, her tiny voice so soft and gentle. I want to hear it forever.
"They won't because I won't let them because I'll do everything I can to protect you" I mutter, "I promise I will always protect you" I add. I pull back to see her tear stained cheeks. I take her right hand in both my hands.
"William?" she says me name curiously. I bend down on one knee before her.
"Rosella, will you-"

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