Chapter 12 (Saruhiko POV)

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Saruhiko was more than surprised after hearing that Misaki wished to join Scepter 4. why would he want to do such a thing?...tsk,  he was a hypocrite and it annoyed him. His crow must really want to get back at those guys....That night, the raven haired blue had a lot on his mind, but despite everything on his mind, he had to think back on it before he fell asleep....

~~A few hours earlier~~

Saruhiko pulled opened the door for the two kings and both of them walked out, the red king gave a glance towards the kitchen where Misaki was making dinner, the look was something Saruhiko had a little trouble trying to make out in those amber eyes. Munakata gave a soft professional smile towards Saruhiko, the red king walked down the hallway. Leaving him and his captain somewhat alone. "Keep a close eye on Yatagarasu." He spoke softly before he too turned and walked down the hall and out of Saruhiko's sight. 

~~Morning, around 9 o'clock in the morning.~~

"Why are we getting up so early?" The chestnut haired male complained as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned shortly after asking the question. Saruhiko never glanced at the other as he pulled on his scepter 4 uniform coat. "We have to go see the captain, honestly...I thought your memory was better than that. Misa-" His sentence was interrupted by a pillow hitting him on the back of the head and  a click of his tongue. "I know why! I'm just tired..." The sentence began with a growl and ended in a small whine. "Get up, shorty. We have to get going." Before the angry crow could yell at him. Saruhiko threw some spare clothes at the fuming male and left the room to go pack his laptop, this apartment was only a temporary placement until Misaki was better,  now that he was...stable, Saruhiko could return to the dorms back at the base that the blue king provided. Saruhiko sighed as he shut the laptop and pushed it into his back, he slung the strap over his shoulder just as Misaki stepped out wearing the clothes the blue eyed male had thrown; a dark blue T-shirt and blue jeans. His hazel eyes met ice cold one. "Are we going?" He asked and Saruhiko gave a nod and the two walked out of the apartment building and made their way to the headquarters of Scepter 4.


Scepter 4 didn't look like a building that many would expect to be a building for the special police force or people with supernatural powers a complete secret from the citizens of Shizume.  A large gate surrounded the base of Scepter 4. A massive building with many rooms; including a library, a stable and dorms for both the male and female clansmen. Saruhiko stepped up to the gate which slowly begun to swing open, once it was wide enough for them to walk through, they did and walked across the stoned courtyard up to the massive double-doors. Saruhiko didn't feel like wasting time on this whole 'sight-seeing' he knew Misaki wanted to do, he could literally feel the excitement oozing off the boy. The two ended up in a large room with a large staircase leading to the second floor, at the top of the stairs were swords in cases, a memory of those who have fallen. There was only a few, not many and above that a rather large hologram of the scepter 4 symbol slowly spinning. Saruhiko continued to walk. Heading up the steps and turned to the left and continued up one more set of stairs before coming up to a door and Saruhiko opened the door to see Munakata, dressed in his full uniform, sitting at his desk with a puzzle piece in his hand. The king glanced up and gave a warm welcoming smile. "Ah, hello there Fushimi-kun and Yatagarasu..." Saruhiko didn't say anything, he wanted to get this done and over with so he could solve the case he was on. He turned around and he could feel eyes on him, it wasn't the blue kings. "Where are you going, Saruhiko?" He half wondered if he should tell him, but decided against it. "I have a job to do. I'm sure the Captain will have me or someone else to take you were I will be working." He answered and walked out of the room. Leaving Misaki and Munakata in the room alone so the process could begin and Misaki Yata would become a member of Scepter 4.

A/N; I apologizing for taking such a long time, but here it is. Chapter 12 in Hurt Crow. I hope it was worth the wait everyone. 

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