7. First Day Of School

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Today is my first day at SOPA and the only person I know is Momo. She’s been my best friend since we were young, but now I’m nervous beyond doubt that her friends won’t like me.

I walk through the front gates and make my way to the front office. I’m greeted by a tall, older lady who smiles at me warmly. “Hi, umm I’m Ash, today’s my first day.”

She nods. “Here, I’ll print off your timetable and you can be on your way.”

She then moves into an office. A few seconds after she leaves, a tall boy who looks to be about my age walks in. I notice him look me up and down and smile. “Hi.” His smile is really beautiful and attractive.

I smile back. “Hey,”

“Have I seen you here before?” He asks

I shake my head. “Not unless your a stalker. Today’s my first day.”

He chuckles at my reply and steps next to me. “So, what’s your name?”

“Kang Ash,” I reply. “What about you?”

“Na Jaemin.” He replies. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

“You too.” I add. “Which year level are you in?”

“Uhh, Year 10.” he mutters, while signing in on the office computer.

“Same here.” I reply with a smile, as he finishes. “Looks like I’ll be seeing you more often then.”

He smirks, “I’m looking forward to that.”

He walks out and the office lady comes back in with my timetable. 

“The students are currently in homeroom, but you don’t have to go to that just yet. How about I take you to your locker?” She says to me.

I nod. “That sounds wonderful, thank you!”

She walks me to a set of lockers and points to the fourth locker from the left, and it’s a top locker. Wonderful. I’ve always been tall and fit cause of my athletic talent. When I stand against the locker, my head basically reaches the top. This is going to be interesting.

After about ten minutes, all of my books are organised in my new locker, and I have my timetable in hand, looking for my first class. “Well, well, well look who we have here!” Momo says.

She runs up to me and pulls me into a warm embrace. “How are you? How’s it been so far here?”

“Well I’ve only been here for about half an hour. I was mostly in the office. Some guy named Jaemin came up to me and introduced himself. Does that mean something to you?” I begin, “Should I be worried?”

She giggles. “Nah, he’s perfect for you. He’s really tall, sporty and has an amazing sense of humour, but he’s also super shy, I’m surprised he even said Hi.”

I smile. “Alright, so do you know where any of these classes are?”

She nods. “I’m in all your classes, other than English and Religion.”


The bell rings and I follow Momo to our first class; Maths. I go to all of my classes with Momo, it’s quite ironic that my last two lessons, are the two without her. So far, everyone has been very welcoming. Even the teachers have helped me set in, and I’ve been okay in all subjects. It’s now the end of lunch and I have to go to Religion. Ughh, I’m not anti-religion or anything, I’m just worried. There’s only one person I know there and that’s Tzuyu, a girl that Momo is friends with.

“Alright, ready to go?” She asks, as I grab my books out of my locker.

I nod. “Thanks for waiting.”

She smiles. “Anytime. Hey, I can tell you’re nervous. Relax. Mrs Park is one of the nicest teachers here. She’s also our english teacher. We stay in the same room every Wednesday.”

I nod. We move into the class and take our seats in the middle row. Mrs Park notices that I am new and introduces herself.

She then introduces me to the class. It is only when I hear a familiar voice that I realise who it is. “Hey, Asj was it?” Jaemin asks.

I nod. He smiles and I notice a dimple in his left cheek. He’s sitting directly behind me. As the lesson progresses, he asks me the occassional question about myself, and I notice Tzuyu giving me a suggestive look, wiggling her eyebrows. I ignore her and keep talking to Jaemin. He’s really nice.

“So, looks like we have Religion and English together, huh?”

I nod. “Looks that way.”

“Awesome.” he smiles.

At the end of the lesson, I move back to my assigned locker and Jaemin surprisingly, or not-so-surprisingly. I put my books away and get my earphones, and phone ready for my walk home. I am about to walk off when I get a tap on my shoulder. “Wait! Ash!”

I turn around, only to find Jaemin puffing slightly. “Can I walk you to the gate?”

I nod. “Sure, if you want.”

“Oh,” he begins, smirking. “I want to.”

I blush slightly and he does as he says, walking me to the front gate. “So, how are you getting home?” I ask, trying to maintain conversation so we don’t fall into awkward silence.

“I catch the bus,” he begins, “I live about fifteen minutes away.”

“Oh cool,” I reply. “I live about ten.”

He smiles. “Did you have a good first day?”

“Yeah,” I begin, “It was great. Everyone was very welcoming.”

“That’s good,” he replies, a smile appearing on his face. “Anyone particularly welcoming?”

“Well there’s this one guy who was.” I begin, noticing a slight hint of jealousy in his eyes, before continuing. “I think he said his name was Jaemin or something.”

He laughs, the unease immediately off his face. “Well glad to know I could help you settle in.”

“Me too,” I begin, “It really helped. Thanks.”

“Well,” he starts, taking a moment as if wondering whether to say something. “I really like you Ash.”

I feel a blush heating up my cheeks. “I really like you too Jaemin.”

He smiles and looks at the ground. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that he walks off in the other direction. I turn around, instantly upset at his sudden disappearance. Why would he just walk off after that?

But before I can call anything out, he turns back to me and runs around. “Jokes!” He calls, before pulling me into a long, warm bear hug and walking me the rest of the way home.

~~~ Ayo! Sobangcha Author is baaaccckk 😂😂 sorry for a long hiatus i was busy cause of exams 😅 hope i didnt made u guys wait too long! This chapter wasnt too short.  Will try to update more often from now on. Enjoy this chapter!!~~~

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