Don't come back

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Morgana's Point of View

I woke up and there was a boy in the room. The tv was on, and my dad was on it.

"Did you hear that Morgana? They caught your dad!" What did he mean? I stood back in horror as to who this boy was, where I was, and what I was doing here.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Marcus." The boy said.

"Why am I here? Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital. You're here because your dad kidnapped you and almost killed you. I know you don't remember me, but I'm your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? What happened, why don't I remember anything?

"Well long story short, you ran away, met me, you stayed at my place, you met your twin when I brought you on tour, you got kidnapped, and now you're in the hospital and your friend Max came to see you."

"That still doesn't explain why I don't remember anything, why I don't remember you if you were my boyfriend."

"I know, and I'm sorry that I can't explain it to you. You have no idea how much I wish you'd remember me." He said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I wish I remembered. I must be really important to you, and you were probably important to me. But why don't I remember anything?"

"You ready for a long story?"

"Tell me, everything."

**1 hour later**

"Wow, so I woke up yesterday?"

"Yeah, you did."

"I'm so sorry I put you through all of this. You should of just left me."

"Why would I do that? If we can make it through this much, why should I leave now?"

"Listen to me, you are getting through this. Everyday, I'm going to forget, I'm never going to remember what happened. You need to go, I can't put you through this with me."

"I'm gladly here, I get to see you everyday."

"Isn't there more of the tour that you should be at right now?"

"There was, but now I've canceled it."

"That makes me feel even worse!"

"Don't feel bad. It's fine."

"Marcus, you did so much for me. Do one more thing."


"Leave, and go on tour. Don't come back, I can't put you through this."

"I can't just do tha-..."

"Listen to me and do it, or I'll have security take you out."

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading! I'm currently working on Interrogation, and this book, plus all of my school work. I'll try to upload more, more chapters coming soon! (Check out my instagram @marcusmartinuscanada for the contest details, contest ends next week! Join it while you can!)

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