Chapter 6: My dark past

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We went home. I asked if he could spend the night. He said yes.

K: I'm cold
D: Come here
We cuddled and fell asleep.
I love him...
D: Babe... wake up
K: Whyyyyy
D: do you want to stay home today?
K: yes please...
I was glad he asked.
I fell back asleep quickly, only to be woken by a nightmare.
D: Woah...
I started crying
D: Don't cry... what's wrong.
K: I had a nightmare, but it was more of a flashback..
D: about what?
K: my dad
D: What about him??
K: He used to abuse me. He would hit me and my mom and then one day he.... he tied me up and r-ra-raped me.
D: I'm so sorry that you had to go through that...
We hugged for what felt like an eternity.
D: I will never EVER hurt you. I will take care of you until the day I leave this earth. I love you.
K: I love you too baby
D: I have a question
D: The day I met you, why were you crying?
K: M-My... mom passed away that morning...
D:Oh I'm sorry if I was to curious.
K: No... you can ask me anything.

                             DANIELS POV

I felt terrible for what had happened to her. Kenna was such an amazing person... Why her?? I hugged her and we talked a bit.

K: You really are the best boyfriend ever
D: I know!!


D: Happy 2 years babe!!
K: what are we doing today??
D: I'm taking you out later!
K: Awww yayyy

I got ready. I just wore a plain red dress. We got there and it was amazing!!
A candle lit picnic on the beach. We ate and talked. It was nearing the end, and we got ready to leave. I was walking to the car when Daniel pulled me back to him and....


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