I'm Bored So Here Ya Go (sorry)

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Tami is watching tb with the Eddsworld crew.

Tami: I'm bored

Matt: how bout the spa?

Tami: N E V E R

Matt: jeez...okay

Tord: want to go to the shooting range?

Tami: yes

Tami and Tord walk out.

Edd: so, now what?

Tom: I'm off to the bar

Now tom is gone leaving Matt and Edd

Edd: hey Matt, wanna watch a movie?

Matt: I'll get snacks while you get the movie and blankets

Meanwhile at the shooting range


Tord's mind: she would be a good soldier, I'll think about it

Tord: okay then, let's go home

Todd and Tami head home

Meanwhile with Tom

Tom is sitting on a bar stool drunk. The car isn't that full.

Tom: hey *hic can I have *hic more Smirnoff?

Bartender: no, your a drunk ass that needs help going home

Tom: fuck *hic you!

Tom walked out still drunk now going home.

Back at home

Edd and Matt are cuddling while eating popcorn and watching a movie

Edd then starts blushing

(A/N): i had to I'm sorry, EddMatt is now cannon in this

Tami bust through the door


Tord: I though you shipped me and tom?

Tami: one does not simply have one OTP

(A/N): that is a real meme reference

Edd and Matt were red from blushing

Tami: now go to sleep you little beans

Edd and Matt went upstairs

Then Tami and Tord sat on the couch

Tom burst through the door still drunk

Tom: Tord...you commie get over here

Tord hesitated but walked up to tom, Tami watched intensely

Then tom kissed Tord. Tami passed out, Tord and tom just kept kissing XD I'M SO SORRY

Tami slowly rose


Tord & Tom: FUCK

If you are still reading my crappy writing comment what I should give a lesson on next. Pls, I'm out of ideas but I'll keep the rolplays

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